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Project: 2012




Not many of you may know that early on this year, before BZPower went down, I was working on a BZPower Calendar. Well given that I shouldn't have started that in the year it was for, I abandoned it. Project 2012 is different, what I want to do is have a calendar out before January 1st, 2012. To do that, I want to call upon the artists of BZPower to help me, by creating a month specific BZP related piece which I will then insert into the Calendar page you are assigned to. 55555 and Wolven(Cholie of Bs01) have already said they'd help me out. :3

So here is what I propose, Anyone interested, PM me a piece of your work(links please), And then I'll decide who is in. :3

Once I get the 12 artists, I would like to try and garner that help before October ends, for maximum time.

The Categories are: MoC's, Digital art, and Tradition art. 4 months for each.

I'll post their names here afterward, next to their corresponding month.

Artists to be assigned: Cholie, 55555, Vezok's Friend

For Now I'll start the month listing:

  1. January:
  2. February:
  3. March:
  4. April:
  5. May:
  6. June:
  7. July:
  8. August:
  9. September:
  10. October:
  11. November:
  12. December:
  13. Cover:
  14. Credits page:
    Please guys, I want to finish what I started nigh on 10 months ago. : P
    I may create a topic eventually, but really I see this more fitting for a Blog Post.


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If I get time I'll try my hand at drawing something -- most likely some Bionicle character or other looking left over the Unity-Duty-Destiny symbol (with AWESOME SHADING).

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Awesome. Hey, what size should the images be so they correctly fit the calendar?
Oooh, thanks for pointing that out, I'd say a default of maybe 1080x1920 if you're going digital.
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Awesome. Hey, what size should the images be so they correctly fit the calendar?
Oooh, thanks for pointing that out, I'd say a default of maybe 1080x1920 if you're going digital.

Are those the wallpaper dimensions for HD monitors? I've got one, but I don't know the actual dimensions.


- 55555

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Awesome. Hey, what size should the images be so they correctly fit the calendar?
Oooh, thanks for pointing that out, I'd say a default of maybe 1080x1920 if you're going digital.
Are those the wallpaper dimensions for HD monitors? I've got one, but I don't know the actual dimensions. - 55555
Aye, well it's my resolution which is high given some standards today, at least I think. XP


But anyway, The place Im going to put the images will be just a tad smaller than that. :P So anything over sized will work.

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Just to get things moving, what are your thoughts on this arrangement?

  • January: Digital Art, 55555
  • February: MOC, ???
  • March: Illustration, Vezok's Friend
  • April: Digital Art, MatoroIgnika
  • May: MOC, 55555
  • June: Illustration, ???
  • July: Digital Art, Vezok's Friend
  • August: MOC, ???
  • September: Illustration
  • October: Digital Art, Wolven
  • November: MOC, 55555
  • December: Illustration, Vezok's Friend
  • Cover: Digital Art, Vezok's Friend
  • Credits page: Digital Art

- 55555

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Just to get things moving, what are your thoughts on this arrangement?
  • January: Digital Art, 55555
  • February: MOC, ???
  • March: Illustration, Vezok's Friend
  • April: Digital Art, MatoroIgnika
  • May: MOC, 55555
  • June: Illustration, ???
  • July: Digital Art, Vezok's Friend
  • August: MOC, ???
  • September: Illustration
  • October: Digital Art, Wolven
  • November: MOC, 55555
  • December: Illustration, Vezok's Friend
  • Cover: Digital Art, Vezok's Friend
  • Credits page: Digital Art

- 55555

I'm likin' that arrangement so far. I've been thinking though, if we cant get 12 people I could split it up if it isnt too much work for whoever. :/
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I've changed my mind -- a drawing of Tahu holding a flame in his hand is more up my alley.


Does a hand-drawn, digitally-colored drawing count as digital art or an illustration?

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Not sure I properly voiced my appreciation for putting one of my mediocre arts for May this year, so thank you! :D


I'll see if I can try and make something again, I would like to put something more substantial this time, while also making sure it doesn't suck. And also be a part of this because calendars are cool.



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