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Almost There...!

Pahrak Model ZX


After my long service in Cornelia, I was regrettably cast into the Void once again, ending up in a digital world of computer programs. Still, this is another world I am familiar with, and I have used that knowledge to modify the programing that now makes up my body, amplifying my strength to become Guts Style Pahrak!


But anyway, Sekai Final Stretch is going strong! We're now at 147 chapters, and I did some calculations--if I can keep to my plans, Sekai should be complete about mid-November! I've been doing a lot of double-features lately, but once we get to 153 it'll mainly be one chapter a day on to the end, so be prepared for things to slow down and become more suspenseful. SUSPENSE!!


Ahem...admittedly, there's still quite a bit of work left to do on the Spirit Index. I'll do my best to get it up as soon as I can, but it's probably going to take a while.


Also, I believe I mentioned a new Bioni-Lords project recently? I shall reveal that soon, on this very blog...hopefully.


Forgotten Bond is 50% typed! I may be able to start posting it soon after Sekai is complete.


I'm also thinking of throwing some MoCs up in the BBC forum sometime soon, if anyone's interested. If I do, I'll put a link here.


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