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Bioni-Lords Newest Incarnation

Pahrak Model ZX


This is the new idea I mentioned...




Long ago, there existed two worlds: a world of humans, and a world of Bionicles. But the humans, in their foolishness, attempted to shatter the boundaries that separated these worlds, causing all of creation to swirl into a vortex of chaos. Fourteen Bionicles braved the vortex and captured the source of the chaos, and as the vortex came to a halt these fourteen were transformed by the very same energy they had sought to destroy. Even after the vortex ceased, creation still lay in ruins, so the fourteen Bionicles--later known as the Archaic Spirits--used their newfound power to reconstruct the two worlds. However, humans and Bionicles had been irrevocably integrated, and the two reconstructed worlds now housed members of both species. As another side-effect of the integration, Bionicles had been reduced to a more primal state, and when dealt enough damage would transform into a glass Orb containing a spark of energy. Humans could use these Orbs to gain the armor and powers of the Bionicles, creating a new entity...the Bioni-Lord. The Archaic Spirits decided that these new worlds needed to be watched over, but because of their massive power the worlds could not sustain them. So, the Archaic Spirits created two Protosteel Orbs into which they channeled a large portion of their power, and then the Orbs were wrapped in the fabric that composes the space between dimensions to supress their energy. Seven of the Archaic Spirits went to watch over one world, taking a Protosteel Orb with them, while the remaining seven took the other Orb to the second world. The Protosteel Orbs were sealed away, and the Archaic Spirits entered a dormant state to observe their new worlds...


And you thought I couldn't make Bioni-Lords any more like Pokemon!


Bioni-Lords VioletRose Version and Bioni-Lords HonoredSoul Version is a new incarnation of the Bioni-Lords game I intend to post sometime soon. It will be one topic, where the player chooses which world they wish to put their character in, with each world specializing in half of the fourteen elements. VioletRose will feature Fire, Stone, Earth, Shadow, Thunder, Jungle, and Rahaga, while HonoredSoul will feature Ice, Air, Water, Light, Steel, Psionics, and Dragon. Players will pick from a list of starting Bioni-Spirits and then begin their quest, where they will encounter wild Bioni-Spirits, other BIoni-Lords, and other things on their way to power their Spirit Booster.


More information will be given soon (maybe tomorrow?); this post was just to make the official announcement and provide the background story. Interested yet?


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Sorry about that, I can be very excitable. I am quite interested and will play, can you play only one or both?

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I was thinking you would start with one, and after completing that, play the other. Then there might be a special scenario once you beat both of them...haven't entirely worked everything out yet.

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The Archaic Spirits are familiar Bionicles, one corresponding to each Element, with a related title to denote their new power. For example, Inferno Tahu is the Archaic Spirit of Fire. I'll probably release a full list at some point, but I want to decide if they'll be revealed during the game or not.

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Interesting...shoot I use that word too much. :P


"But the humans, in their foolishness, attempted to shatter the boundaries that separated these worlds." That line is a little ironic because that was basically the reason Bioni-Lords was conceived in the first place. Do I smell a self-reference?


But anyways, it'll be interesting to see how the new game goes over. Curses, I used that word again....I really need a shock collar or something.

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I don't think I'll be revealing the Archaic Spirit of Dragon just yet...


Yes, the line was a reference to the origin of Bioni-Lords. It sort of shows that it comes from the same starting point as the original Bioni-Lords, but went in a different direction.


Might get a post with new info up later today...

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