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Why I Like My Microsoft Products (And Not Your Products)



So, this is more or less an open letter to my friends and people who I talk to all the time: I like Microsoft products.


Don't leave the blog just yet. I'll explain myself.


While growing up, I had many devices in my life. The company did not matter, because they had their plus and minuses across the board. I had VCRs I can't remember the company name of, I have had a few DVD players of similar status, TVs of non-namebrand companies, computers of only the Swert brand (I helped build the family computers, it's only until recent that I didn't; more on that in a moment) and plenty of media players ranging from MP3, CD and even cassette tape (I'm old school 8D).


These days? You have a brand name product. You -have- to. I have chosen the one I prefer to buy from, as you may have done as well. It doesn't bother me you may have bought an Apple device (or been given one as a gift), do you know what really bothers me about them?


You're bragging about it.


Yes, I get my Zune HD doesn't have Angry Birds. This is because all the apps on the Zune are free. FREE. Yours cost $0.99, true, but I can get a similar game for free if someone develops one. And considering the device supports XNA, it's possible for someone to develop one. You don't need to rub it into my face I can't play this game, it doesn't bother me.


And don't think you Google fans can escape this rant blog entry. I use Gmail, I also used to use Google itself. I chose to use Bing instead. I also don't buy into the whole Chromebook theory of cloud computing; I like local storage over cloud storage, especially given how often cloud has gone down for various companies, Microsoft included.


And yes, I will also accept MS "fanboys" need to chill out as well. I'm not talking people worse than me, I will include myself in this. I have a passion for the company, because I felt it very easy to develop for the platforms they put out. On top of that, I love all of my devices from them so far: Xbox 360, Windows 7, Zune HD, Zune Pass, Hotmail, Windows Live, the list can go on. I do, however, accept that I need to be more subtle about my love for the products I buy and use. However, I feel I should mention this to people who know me:


I don't use only Microsoft.


I have a phone, it's from Samsung. Not even WP7. I have a laptop, made by HP. My desktop? Dell. I happily use all of these and many more without problems.


So now I ask this: Why such hatred towards one specific company? I include myself in this rhetorical question. I admit it, I dislike Apple; I don't like their business practices, I think their products are overpriced, and I wouldn't be caught dead playing my music on iTunes, or browsing with Safari on my PCs. I have absolutely no problems with you guys using them, though.


As for Google? Anti-trust lawsuit, anyone?


So, in other words, I dislike the company itself. I never dislike the product they make. I'll admit it, the iPhone is a lovely piece of technology. The screen is sharp, it does its job, it won't lag up when it's in vanilla mode, and so forth. On the other spectrum, Android is a fine OS, so long as you don't modify it from here to the moon and back fifty million times, which incidentially is what the OEMs do. Where do the flaws lie in these two technologies? For one, the hardware on the iPhone is updated once a year, and you're "expected" to keep up or you're a nobody. The Android OS keeps fragmenting itself further with newer and newer user interface changes and updates, plus the hardware is not the same across the board, so stuff tends to break. By the time Android 5.0 comes out, I predict the only ones that will update with it are from this year alone. I'm predicting the 2009-2010 series of phones won't even be able to upgrade, if they can't already to 4.0. At least Apple solved that by keeping the hardware limited, but it's still a lot of hardware.


Yes, I know nobody will even be down here to read this line, so I'll just wrap up with a tl;dr section:


tl;dr: Let's all stop being biased towards one end of the spectrum, and accept each other for them, not their tech. I have a Zune, I want a WP7, friends have iTouches and iPhones, I want a W8 Tablet, they want iPads and maybe Android tablets, let's all just get along anyway.


... Though as soon as W8 comes out, HS01 Metro app. You know it's gonna happen 8D


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Fair enough. And I totally bet that "receive an apple product as a gift" thing refers to me. :P


I really hate a lot of that "Apple is greater" nonsense, and I'm getting lots of it from school and elsewhere. On BZP specifically the whole "Firefox is greater" nonsense bugs me. (Although to be fair FF did allow my broken website to operate somewhat... but really it should just break the whole thing down and force me to perfect my code)


Also, why aren't the comments full of Apply rage yet? That's what you were going for right?



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@xccj Firefox actually is better though. It is built to optimize websites in a way IE is not. It's further along on the HTML upgrades, and runs faster than IE does, takes up less memory, and usually has all the cool new features that IE has a year or two in advance. I won't touch IE with a ten foot pole.


@Swert Also, I lol'd when you said "Google, anti-trust lawsuit, anyone?" Considering Microsoft has been in trouble who knows how many times for monopolizing the market illegally, and all.


That said, there's a lot of hate for Microsoft because their products fail more often than other products. And this is more speculation, but there are a lot of market specialists we were forced to read in several of my classes in the past who actually blame our culture's acceptance of products that are going to break and stop working and just freak out on Microsoft. Apparently Microsoft also pioneered poor customer service. I don't entirely buy that, but apparently this is a real thing in market and economic circles.


As I type this on Windows 7 with iTunes playing Coldplay.

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I know you're mainly talking about devices, but Linux is still conspicuously absent. I for one despise IE, Windows, and look with pity upon Apple cultists. Google is getting more and more annoying to me, even though I've used Gmail since the early Beta and still do. And I agree with DV about Firefox, though it ain't perfect either. I'd use Opera but it just doesn't jive with me.


- 55555

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Linux is okay, it won't be my favorite client OS in the world, but I use Linux for BS01's server. I've had little to no problems with that.


If I were running my own business which involved data center necessity, I'd either use that or Windows Server.

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