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Lego Universe, Endless Blue, Jack The Smoke Monster, And Other Time Slip Updates



Hey yall, still undead. :P


So, just thought I should let yall know wuzzup with me and stuff. The whole downtime thing threw most of my plans out the window. I had planned to work on an updated version of The Map of Mata Nui, tying up loose ends, but that got delayed by a lot of work being required by me to get us back up on the new forum, and now that we're back I've got plenty else to do like the contests and stuff.


I did have time to finish the next BP epic, Endless Blue, however, and hope to get posting it before the new year. :)


It turned out to be by far my longest and most complex work. It's split into Five Parts, each ten chapters long, with a rough average of sixteen pages in Word per chapter, plus prologue and epilogue. Its main protagonist is of course Bhukasa, the reptilian sea captain, as previously announced, and also has four other main threads, including Lewa. In addition, each Part has at least one extra side protagonist for the duration of its ten chapters, so it's sort of a series of short epics instead of just one epic (though I'll use one topic for it :P). PLUS a handful of side-character POVs where plot calls for it.


Included in the story is a new science fiction concept with a nod towards LOST; you'll have to read to find out what, though. :)


Also got a fair way into the next story, which is now titled The Perfect Cage, whose main protagonist is Onua. I'll go almost the opposite route here; it will have only three Protagonists, including Kopaka, and the Ko-fisherwoman Nijire. No other POV sections at all.


After that I'll post what I'm probably now going to title "Falling Sun" -- the single-protagonist story that's already written which I've mentioned. I've been debating what to do with it now that I've compressed the plans for the remainder of the Paracosmos, because the protagonist sees Kuambu in it, and now that's too soon to reveal their appearance. I think I've got a simple solution to edit in, though, which makes sense based on precedent in EB.


Also tried out a month membership on LEGO Universe, loved it.


Details (quoted from PM to Gatanui for his list of BZP members playing):


Might as well include my brother's in this (Ojhilom), although the arrangement on the table of who is who's main doesn't really fit for us. :P I paid for a month membership last month, and plan to get a six month starting in mid-December, but he has a free-to-play under his LEGO ID we both use too. Anyways:


BZP name: bonesiii


bonesiii (my main, when membership is on) -- Assembly

FriendlyPlasmaFoghorn (Ojhilom's main, when membership is on) -- Sentinel

Parallelodox -- Paradox

Radventurer -- Venture League

Overbuild, paying


BZP name: Ojhilom

Minifig name: AdeptCurlyPixel (main) -- overbuild, free


As bonesiii I typically wear orange, faction colors and my fave. :P With white as the helmet. Just before it ran out I got my Summoner's Valiant cape and the Skull helmet, plus the Valiant weapons for Assembly (I especially like the sawblades one). I also like to include purple to match the Maelstrom staff when collecting items, and I've got one of the Ninjago rice hats and the Thought Hood (the purple one with the spear attack). So if you see anybody looking like that it's probably me.


Also have a public property on the Block Yard, called the Skull Star Vale. Check it out; it's got a few original MOCs and is based around a Maelstrom-themed mystery riddle. Stromlings to fight too. (You have to be a member to type the riddle answer, though.)


Before membership ran out I bought a bunch of bricks for my plans for a cool property for Parallelodox, and I've tested the plans in LDD. Will have a bunch of original MOCs, based on a theme from Crux Prime, Maelstrom related. You'll have to wait to see what it is. :P (Probably won't get it done until after the new year.)


Anywho, back to BZP updates, for those curious:


-S&T Contest -- unless I find unexpected problems with this I plan to treat the current poll results as final. It's just been too long to remake them, and they were up for a good amount of time. But don't take that as a final answer, per se; I need to look through it.


-Shard Moons Contest -- Will continue this soonishish, where we left off. Entries already in will still be in, and I'll allow another few months or so for entries. It's unofficial so there's no rush, so yeah.


-New rules in Art -- we're still working on some of the details as far as all four art forums go, though, so patience is asked there. But yeah, for now, Gen. Art and Kits has some changes to check out. (Yall probably already know though. Just for the record. :P)


-BRC -- I had gotten a lot of work on remaking this done, and then a step in the updating erased it, and I just haven't gotten back to it. Regardless, the old content is all still there on the archived forum. It'll get copied over eventually.


-Story Squad -- As far as we know, we're still in operation, so we can consider new requests. However, we're waiting to move farther on old or new requests until we know Greg's intentions for the team now. Stand by on that. :)


-Multiverse Cipher Chronicles -- The next episode is written, and it appears the guest writer will be available to post it (if not, one of the leaders will). First I will need to do some art for it, but then hopefully we can get it up soon.


-Other Multiverse Stuff -- We need a new Discussion topic, story links topic, etc. I know. On the to-do list. Also, last I heard, Freewebs (or "Webs" now) was nuking all of their wikis, including ours. I have a saved backup of it, but not sure what/if we'll do anything like it again.


-Dreaded Real Life -- For my paper delivery job, I need to update our maps very badly for various reasons, which I intend to do this week, so sorry but that will delay everything.


-Paracosmos in General -- I am strongly considering eventually/soonishishishishish starting to repost all my old stories, reformatted. When I started out I used massive paragraphs, very hard to read, for example, and various other things could be improved. I'll also likely repost the collection topic when I launch EB, but really not sure at this time when that might be. And yes, I'm aware the link to the Map of Mata Nui isn't working; if my plans to publish a finalized version take too long, I may make an old one available again soon.


-Vain hopes to soonishishishishishishish open an avatar shop -- Since I'm moderating the forum now, I thought I'd give it a whirl since I often get requests anyways. We'll see. ;) Won't be possible at least until several months into 2012. (And of course we all know the world will end soon then anyways. :P Because neutrinos will suddenly mutate and cook the planet's core. :biggrin:) In the meantime my own av seems to be gone, so one more thing for the to-do list, sigh. (I'm a little unclear how to fix it, too... I don't see it in the control panel...)


-LOST -- own all episodes now. Including the New Man in Charge bonus chapter, which previously I had no idea existed. Not much to it, but what's there is cool. I especially liked the Mobisodes and the "Mysteries of the Universe", lol. Plus, Ojh and I had a theory about "Mother" that is essentially confirmed with a wink wink in the Commentary to Across the Sea. Awesome. (That she was a smoke monster. Notice she didn't speak before Man in Black killed her...)


And now I'm wondering... shouldn't Jack be a smoke monster now too???


Had a theory about the flash-sideways too, that maybe what it seemed to be and what it seemed to later be revealed to be are one and the same. Maybe it IS an alternate timeline, but when the main characters died their minds were sent into their alternate selves; what would have happened if the island had been sunk because of the nuke in Dharma times. Maybe their minds were then guiding events so they'd find each other, and after that they moved on due to the main-timeline island's power. Anywhen, probably nothing new, but yeah. :)


-Other important stuff I've probably forgotten -- remind me. :P


Recommended Comments

Hey, it's great to see you back! I always enjoyed your long blog posts. I was wondering what happened to the Multiverse as well. Keep on bloggin!


FYI, avatar and personal photos are the same thing now.

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I have three questions regarding Paracosmos:


- If I recall correctly, in Twisted Island the Bohrok that weren't sliced in half near the beggining were later lost or destroyed in twisted island. Will there still be Bohrok during the 2002 story epics?

-Are The Perfect Cage and Falling Sun still 2002 story or are they already 2003? You said you were going to compress your story so this question has shot through my mind...

-Do your story plans include serials taking place in 2004-2005 flashbacks?

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FYI, avatar and personal photos are the same thing now.

I see. Thanks. :)


I have three questions regarding Paracosmos: - If I recall correctly, in Twisted Island the Bohrok that weren't sliced in half near the beggining were later lost or destroyed in twisted island. Will there still be Bohrok during the 2002 story epics?-Are The Perfect Cage and Falling Sun still 2002 story or are they already 2003? You said you were going to compress your story so this question has shot through my mind...-Do your story plans include serials taking place in 2004-2005 flashbacks?

1) The Bohrok who went to Twisted Island were just a tiny percentage of the swarms on Mata Nui. There's almost as many as in the canon story still there during Endless Blue. :)


2) Endless Blue finishes out 2002 story, and both TPC and FS will take place in 2003.


3) I keep going back and forth on this; I have the potential to do it, but I could also turn the entire flashbacks into intermixed flashbacks in an epic taking place also in present time. At the moment I'm leaning towards the latter. Got a cool title and theme concept lined up for it, but I won't call the decision final until I write it. :P

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Since you say you have a backup of the EM Wiki, when you make the new EM Fanon Collection Topic in the Reference Center, could you add the list of Kanohi (which is way more comprehensive than the one on the 100-page guide) and the list of species (in particular the complete list of Troak powers)? Those are practically the only two pages that did give some info we couldn't find elsewhere.

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