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Happy Birthday, Harry Dresden!



Or Happy Halloween, I guess, but IMO the birthday of Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden is much more important. =P


On that note, I've been reading the Dresden Files recently -- I forget when I started, but I've been reading them in order from Fool Moon [i read [i]Storm Front[/i] about a year ago] and am currently on White Night. I own every book with the exception of Changes, which I will hopefully get soon [or at least when it comes time to read it].


They are definitely some of my favorite books ever. Jim Butcher is just a fantastic author, and Dresden is an awesome character, along with the whole slew of supporting characters [my favorite being Bob], well thought-out plots, and superb descriptions that make the Dresden Files a must-read.


I'll write a full review of the series when I finish Ghost Story [and I'll also be doing individual book reviews], but for now I just wanted to give a shout out to an amazing series whose main character's birthday is today. I really must thank Aaron [Nuju Metru] for recommending the series to me; I probably wouldn't have ever heard of them if he hadn't. The only thing I can say is I wish I would've read them sooner. =P


And on the subject of stories, Edgar Allen Poe is a genius. You must read one of his stories today, or you are not properly celebrating Halloween.


And so with that: what's your favorite Poe story? For me, I don't know. It's really hard to choose, and I haven't read nearly as many as I should -- hope to change that, soon [but heck, I've got a reading list the size of Alaska -- so many books and stories I have on my shelf that I want to read (and some that aren't on my shelf)].


Hope everyone has an awesome time, and don't forget to enter the Short Stories Contest in the library!




Recommended Comments

@ Brickeens ~ You really should; he's quite fantastic for the perfect, chilling Halloween story. He and Alfred Hitchcock are the best, IMO.


@ 5s ~ Indeed. I love that poem so, so much.


@ -Windrider- ~ Ah, yes, that one was quite good. Good choice.


@ Roablin ~ I'll have to check that one out; haven't read it. The title sure makes it sound Poe-ish. =P



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