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ToM Dracone


Mood: exhausted

Listening to: Less than a Pearl, Enya


Ohhh, it feels like it's been so long since I've listened to Amarantine (the CD, not the song). I love the songs in Loxian, and the whole album is, as with most anything by Enya, very relaxing, and good for a late winter afternoon...


In Biology, we're finally on plants, and I'm annoyed that we skipped the section on Bryophytes (mosses, liverworts, and hornworts mainly). And we jumped over the chapter on algae entirely. Bryophytes are my favorite plants... And I like algae too (plants or not). Apparently we need to be going faster, but we skipped the two most interesting parts of the whole texbook... Anyone who knows me well knows that one of my three chief interests is botany, so skipping large portions of the section is annoying. Oh well...


Today was also the first real practice day of tennis, hence my exhaustion. Now that I've gotten back into the swing of things, I'm managing, not that I was ever exactly good in the first place. Meh. I can't wait until it gets warm enough to practice outside; I hate playing in the gym...



~ ToM


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I don't think we spent all that much time on specific plants in Biology either. Shame, really -- we only did photosynthesis, which I had learned and relearned like five times already.


In my 11 1/2 years of school, I don't think we've ever played tennis. Probably for the better, I don't have amazing reflexes. :P

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Hahaha! Tennis... swing of things... haha...




Haha... ha... ha. Ha. Uh...


... I thought it was funny. :lookaround:


Skipping sections, eh, yeah... in Chem we're probably not going to get far enough to do all the interesting things! Like those carbon nanocompounds and stuff. Buckyballs, that sort of stuff.


I'm not a huge Bio person, but eh...


Why dontcha teach yourself that section? =3


... of course you may have already.

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Takatu ~ Bryophytes aren't just a single plant, though; they're an entire phylum of simple plants... Not something that ought to be skipped... My reflexes aren't that great either, which is why I'm not really fond of tennis. Or good at it.


Lyg ~ I was wondering if anyone would pick up on that. :P Yeah, I already learned about them in 7th grade when I took Bio the first time, but I'm just going to go through and read the section in this textbook for fun. And to refresh my memory. I should probably read the chapter on algae, too...

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Haiyah... you still have the nerve to crack a joke. Poor you.


I'm no ace in botany, but I remember things about algae and them multiplying from small midgets to eutrophication. :P


And I just recently acquired the CD Amarantine! Love the songs to bits.



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I'm afraid that I was never that interested in moss or algae when I studied biology, so I don't quite know what Bryophytes are. I always loved trees - especially Sequoias and Redwoods.

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