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A Disabled Canadian Could Use A New Friend



Last year I found a guy on a video site who has a very intriguing disability: incontinence! Ever since, I've started to wonder what it must be like to be incontinent, and begun to realise how much we really take for granted.


I really want to send him a message of support, but I think he's lost faith in the Internet: his PMs and e-mails are blocked, apparently because he's been getting creepy messages and requests.


I wish I knew a way around that so that I can, if nothing else, at least let him know that there are people out there in the cruel world that is the Internet who do truly care.


EDIT: I decided to reveal what the disability is. Come at me.


EDIT 2: The video site has recently undergone some changes (they're so pathetic that I'm not caling them upgrades because they're quite the opposite). One change is merging Subscriptions and Friends. Since I had already subscribed to this guy as an attempt to get his attention, this allowed me to bypass his "Friend Block", and successfully send him a PM! :biggrin: The question is, will he ever see it?


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Oh BZP, when will you realize it's impossible to keep people from discussing one of the most widely used sites on the web...

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