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National Novel Writing Month



So it's November and that means NaNoWriMo is upon everyone participating. I decided to forgo my original plans, and decided that I'm going to instead try writing this romance-type story I've been thinking about for the last few months. My first attempt at it just sucked, but I hadn't planned it, outlined it, or even put much thought into how I was to do everything (so inconsistencies were abundant, and some scenes were just written in a rush and sounded incredibly cliched). As of now I'm working on the introduction still, I redid my idea for chapter one (rewrote the outline for it), and I'm doing poorly in the "stop thinking of ancient Rome as ancient Greece" as my mind just fuses the two for some reason. Though, I think it sounds alright so far. The characters (not going to name them here, for a plethora of reasons) are distinctly different, but I do intend to alter their personalities in the first chapter (which takes place in England during the late 1880's) and I might make some liberal edits to history. Well, naturally I will be making edits to history as these two characters never existed in this type of a historical sense, and I'm fusing in some darker fantasy elements to make the story a tad more interesting for myself to write, and likely for others to read.


One thing that will be altered fairly heavily is Jack the Ripper, I'm using this character because the main characters are involved with Scotland Yard and it'd throw in a more interesting conflict that could go just about any direction. After all, the Leather Apron can be anything pending on how it'd affect the story. I might exaggerate him some, throw in some other targets that aren't historically accurate and have some fun with it. I may remove the idea altogether if it ends up taking up too much of the story, or too much focus is put onto the case, or if it's just not fun to write, but right now I'm playing around with ideas to make the story more interesting and this is just but one of them.


This introduction I'm writing is proving a bit hard and a tad painful, more "painful" in the sense that "this opening is soooo sappy and I can't help it because I know the end product might be worth it." The second half of the introduction will be more interesting, as our main characters do go from ancient Rome all the way to the late 1880's for some reason -- one explained in the introduction, though I can't really share it here for multiple reasons.


Anyway, let's see how this turns out? Let's see if I even get past the first chapter, lol.


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