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They're all so boring.


Baseball has no excitement, and it's so slow. I get people like it and stuff, but it's like, why must it become the center of every conversation... and how one earth do people have the attention span to watch it? The only part of it I can understand is seeing it in person, because at least then it seems more interesting... and there's all those little shops and foodplaces to go whenever you get bored watching people run around in circles.


Soccer (or football/futbol)... it's a game that can go on for hours and end with a 1 - 1 tie. Need I say more? .-.


Football (American) is at least more visually interesting, like, there's stuff happening and people are running into each other. And there's more incentive to watch this than the above two whenever my father is all "sports channel," though maybe I don't get it because I can't comprehend the rules. Or maybe I don't get it because I have no attachment to any specific state/city to the point where I have any pride in it... while a lot of fans of this game seem to have enough pride to fight over this game. (Plus it's the centerpiece of every conversation at school... and the conversations are just boring... and when I say "every conversation" I mean that. Could be talking about artwork, or writing, or anime, or manga, or something and someone will be all "how about that football game last night?" it's this or baseball pending on the time of year).


And then there's NASCAR. They're just turning left the whole time... and going in a circle. Make them drive at 100 MPH+ through a maze of fire... or something... you know... entertaining.


Hockey's fans are more entertaining than the game (in a good way). At least the inebriated ones dancing to the song being played, up and down the aisle and are actually getting the attention of the entire place.


Any sports not included are the ones I don't hear about every waking moment.


But it's like... when people say they get really annoyed with those who obsess over things they don't particularly care for, and stuff it into every single conversation and hail it as the most amazing thing to ever bless our little existence... that's how I feel with these sports.


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I totally agree.


Volleyball is the exception to this, though, since I played it and watched games of it all the time in middle school. However, I'm nowhere near good at it.

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Two, three years ago, I would have hotly disagreed with you. But now, my interest in watching sports has declined somewhat. I still like playing sports, but watching... it lost its flair for me.


I suppose I'll regain interest in watching sports about the same time I reach drinking age. :P

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