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The People Must Act With Unity

The Dark Chronicler


In the realm of Unity, there are many species, included the known inhabitants of the Matoran universe.


I'm setting this entry up so people can share ideas about characters with multiple other people, and get opinions, and work together or alone to create the inhabitants of this world, including those who come from other universes...



Rules for Characters: These are just to keep things from going out of control.


A limit of two characters per person: These characters can be Matoran universe natives, or scientists from the city.


There can be minor characters that anyone can control, some of which may actually turn out important to the story.


Enemies are not pushovers. I'm sure non of you will have this problem, but in fighting, people get hurt, enemies don't just fall dead. Sometimes they even kill your characters.


Please, avoid using a Deus Ex Machina to get out of anything. Remember, fleeing works just as well as having a sand worm show up to eat your foes just in time to save you.


No overpowering to the extreme. There are some powerful species in Bionicle, and they are usable in this. As are most weapons. Just don't go overboard and create a Toa with Cordak blasters on his shoulders, twin Midak, laser vision, and invincible armor of death. (I'm already planning that! XD... kidding.)





So, now that the boring stuff is out of the way, It's time for the fun part, characters. Here is what I have so far.





Droviss is a member of the scientist species. He is the highest ranking member among the controlling council, and has the most say in what is to be done in any given situation. This puts him in a position of more power, but also one that means his choices may ruin the survival of his people. He takes his position very seriously.


Outside of his work on the council, he is also a mechanical scientist, who works with machinery. He knows the Machine in the city better than anyone else, and is the only one who can truly keep it running. Which is his favorite of his two jobs.


He has pale blue-green skin on his body, like the rest of his species. His face if somewhat long, with his chin being rather sharp. He has bright white hair, a not uncommon color for his species, and he keeps rather neat in appearance. His eyes are a pale, ghostly yellow. On both of his hands, he is missing the uppermost finger. This is a result of a past experiment that did not turn out well. He wears an long armored trench-coat, which is mostly black with streaks of while in places where it has been damaged and repaired.


He is armed with a single Kuhlt GrimStar (Colt Bisley), which has be specially made to work with his missing fingers.



That is all I have so far. Anything else you think I should add to it?



Also, feel free to post your own character information or ideas!


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Here goes!




Alesum is a member of the scientist species. He has a somewhat unique, self-imposed position. While his job is technically to repair, monitor, and occasionally upgrade the energy systems, he is one of the leading researchers of energy aboard the city. His research has lead to upgrades that have made the city even more energy efficient. Because Droviss is the best worker with the Machine, Alesum works under him. Alesum's line of work and research often bring him into contact with Droviss, and Alesum checks his findings with Droviss before even suggesting any changes to the system.


Alesum can be stubborn, and can sometimes push himself too far. He thinks things through, because he has learned from experience that bad things can happen if he doesn't. While he wouldn't go as far as to call himself brave, he often uses logic as a lever to help him do.. well, brave things.


Like all of his species, Alesum has pale blue-green skin. His hair is pitch black, and beyond eyebrows he has no facial hair. His eyes are a deep, emerald green. Alesum is average height, maybe a little taller than average. Outside of the city, he wears a gray greatcoat, with some armor built in. Alesum's workplace and other such areas are kept organized and clean, but his living quaters are messy when compared to the other scientists.


Alesum is armed with a Zmyth & Wizuun Schoflach (Smith & Wesson Schofield, 1875) that he keeps in a holster, built into his greatcoat. He keeps ammunition for it when he leaves the city in a pocket in his greatcoat specially designed for the task. He has telekinetic control over small objects.


And believe it or not, a greatcoat is an actual type of coat. Although Alesum's has been.. heavily customized. :P

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I think this guy will be a supporting character.


Name: Zuki

Gender: Male

Species: Mutant member of Ehlek's species

Appearance: Zuki looks like this, but with a few differences: He wears no armor except on his groin, face, hands (not including fingers), forearms and wrists, where the armor is thicker than all of the above; his skin is mottled green and brown in color and with perpetual mud and swamp plants hanging from it; he wears a face-covering mask shaped like an Elda; and is without a squid launcher and the talons. Strangely enough, he also has four clawed fingers, but no apparent thumbs until combat (see equipment).

Powers/Abilities: Zuki can naturally generate electricity from his spines, and is also resistant to the shocks they give him. However, any electric charge much higher than that will hurt him.

As a member of Ehlek's species, Zuki can breathe water. He may stay out of it for some time, in which case he relies upon his mask to feed his gills enough water to last for four hours at rest. The mask can be refilled quite easily; however, it remains something that he relies upon when out of his native element. He has adapted to this quite well and often uses it in conjunction with his weapons to attack two targets at once with one arm (see equipment). He has also trained in the fields of stealth and reaction speed.

The mask also gives the assassin some other powers. As long as Zuki is wearing the mask, it increases his strength, speed, and agility to significantly above-average levels, to the point where he is blinding and a strongman to anyone not wearing a Kakama or Pakari, as well as increasing all of his normal senses. It also grants him control over Electricity at a toa level as long as he is wearing it.

Equipment: Zuki is armed with two wrist-launchers for two miniature protosteel drills on seven bios of metal rope. When launched, the drills can change trajectory in midair due to electric wires within the rope which command mini-jets on the drills to fire, spinning the drill as they change where it's headed.

As well, his actual thumbs have been replaced with 1/3-meter long sickle-like protosteel blades which have some degree of dexterity. They are also retractable, which is why they are only seen in combat.

Fighting Style: Zuki's style of combat revolves around the perfect ambush. If he can kill as many people as he has to quickly, then he can safely escape into his native habitat and not cause further bloodshed. However, if he must, he can hold longer fights. In such a case, he will employ hit-and-run attacks and then finally move in for the kill.

Weaknesses: If Zuki's mask came off or was damaged on land, then he'd have only a minute or two before becoming too weak to fight or get more water. As well, it would rid him of his double thermal vision, increased senses and physical attributes, and control of electricity.

He also kisses each foe on both cheeks after he is sure the struggle is over. The small amount of time that takes can be easily exploited by an opportunist.

Personality: Zuki is quiet, but often makes clear his assent or dissent through actions. He follows the law above all, but when there is no law, he turns to his own strict moral code. Zuki may lack any sort of leadership skills, but he makes up for it with precise reliability, an analytic mind, and quiet strength.

However, even more than his reliability, one of his personality traits stands out above the rest: Zuki is gentle and innocent. He often privately marvels at the wonder of life, and will kiss his foes after killing them on both cheeks. His few associates remark at how pure he has remained despite the dirtiness of his life, often envying him for this trait. He's too innocent and kind to care, though.

Bio: Zuki was born an OoMN assassin during the era after the Cataclysm, and was gradually trained to live without much armor for better stealth even as they modified his anatomy to include his weapons and gave him the mask. However, he never truly became a cold assassin as is the stereotype-during training, he often completed tasks early and then went out into nature to marvel at its beauty. Even in faked missions, he'd kiss the dummies on both cheeks: "Mata Nui have mercy on them, for they know not why they must die."

He operated under them for a while until Spherus Magna reunited. Then quitting the Order, he became one of the first explorers of Bota Magna in a joint mission. While the expedition experienced low casualties, Zuki was the only one who actually stayed there, living self-sufficiently and in harmony with the local flora and fauna in a swamp.

It is only recently that he has begun to make scouting trips out and discovered the state of the world. He has just offered up his services to the successor of Helryx; it is a time, he feels, in which he is needed again.


-The Fearless Leader

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