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Mhm. Work, Yes?



I'm in the school library, and some of the band is meeting, but we aren't really doing anything... I showed my friend who started the band some of my art, he liked it. So I'm here at this computer in the library, and I showed my friend my Maj gallery, then I started writing this...


Agh... I had a math test and an essay to finish today... Gurgh...


I changed my blog subtitle... Iss true! They are out to get me...


I'll hafta get working on some art once I get home... I prefer drawing in my sketchbook, as I lose what I doodle in class sometimes...


I have this absolutely arrogant, conceited, ignorant, irritating, and disgusting classmate. He's obsessed with World War Two, he has a bomber jacket, he never shuts up about wars, the military, and WWII, he attacks people (he bit me in the shoulder once), he doesn't care for schoolwork, he never listens to anybody... And he's in my Art class. Just my luck today I heard him arguing with an assistant teacher over joining the military and training, and more, and he was totally wrong. However, this is the problem with stupid people: Some are so stupid they think they are smart, and thus they will fight for their side of the arguement until the point that it is futile. Man I had to get that off my back... Just one of the dolts I deal with...


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What about the stupid kids who act smart to try and sound funny without realizing how turely annoying they are?................I hate them so much................


And now time for something completely different.


*Deeply inhales* Ah........I love the smell of new avatar day!..............How long until I change this one? Who knows!

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I find it sad how many of those people there are... Not to mention the stupid people who get favors from teachers for no reason and take it as an excuse to act high and mighty... The first thing they might be, but I don't mean it in the 'power' definition of the word....


You change avvies so much... But this one you got now is pretty awesome. That reminds me, I need to start on drawing Boo-Bon...

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