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First off, news of the day out of the way, then the rant.


Oookey well looks like I ended up in third place by one vote, 35 to Theisen's 36... *sigh* ah well...


Our basketball team did win the regional or central Jersey or whatevertheheck... yeah, it won the game, and it's going to play at Rutgers on Sunday.


One kid I know literally does not believe in school spirit. I don't mean that he just doesn't dress up in school colors during Spirit Week, I don't do that either, but he literally actively tries to avoid being school spirited because he says it's pointless, and for what purpose would he be spirited?


Anyway today I say to him, "So, whadya think of our team winning, eh?" sorta as a tease, because I know he not only could care less, but he'd seriously try not to care.


And he's like, "There was a game?"








Right, ANYWAY, the main point of this entry will probably take up less space than the above. Feel free to skip the above if you feel like it, though I don't know why I'd put this message at the BOTTOM of that block of text.


On to my little rant:


"Quantum" does not mean "Super-amazing-multi-dimensional-uber" or "Crazy-sci-fi-thing-that-lets-just-about-anything-happen" or "Something-that-can-power-spacedrives-and-fuel-bombs-that-blow-up-planets."


"Quantum" is nothing but A PARTICLE OF LIGHT. And Quantum Theory states nothing but that energy comes in small, discreet amounts, and is QUANTIZED. That is all. Quantum does not bend the space-time continuum and allow you to teleport. You can't go back in time with a Quantum-Time-Machine. The only thing that a lot of quanta would do is hurt your eyes.


Yes, Quantum Theory is a very important theory in modern Physics. Yes, light is very important. But a Quantum Thruster isn't going to shoot you off across the galaxy! A Quantum Phase Ray won't blow apart your alien enemies! It's not some crazy sci-fi thing, it's just a vital part of Physics that will never affect your everyday life unless you become a physicist!


Also, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. It does NOT state that a pink cow can spontaneously pop into your backyard just because everything in the universe is uncertain and it COULD happen.


The Uncertainty Principle just means that you can't find out the exact position and exact velocity of anything, and that only applies to tiny particles like an electron. For the sake of all macro-scale physics, all real world applications, the exactitude is exact enough. A gear will not pop off an axle because it's uncertain. Does a gear have a mass that's a trillionth of a kilogram? No. Therefore shining light on it will not cause it to fly off in the other direction as it would with an electron. And in no way would the Uncertainty Principle cause the gear to grow wings, turn green, and fly away into the sunset.


"Ions" and "Ionic" too. They're not so amazing. You know how you can create an ion? Rub yourself on some wool or silk or something, until you create some static. Because that's all that ions are. They're particles that have a charge. And when you statically charge yourself, then that probably means some particles somewhere on you are carrying extra electrons, or carrying less.


What's an Ionic Ray Gun going to do? Statically shock your fierce Xyxzorgian foes?


Honestly, all I'm trying to say here is, have an idea what you're saying when you come up with crazy space technologies and the like. Because they're not "omg big werds that no wun wil no so i kan use thim." People out there will probably know what you're talking about, and they'll find it really strange that you're using it in the way you are.


Same guy that I pointed out before, who does not belive in school spirit? Yeah, he paused the movies The Core and A Beautiful Mind on the scenes with various equations and he actually tried to solve them, and ended up discovering that they were utter gibberish.


He could have saved himself some time by reminding himself it was Hollywood, but you gotta admire the spirit.


Out there, there's always someone who knows what you're doing and will be willing to work out what it means, and if you try to make it look hi-tech and intelligent by using complicated things you don't understand it's just going to make you look dumb and confuse some poor kid out there with a pencil, paper, and a calculator.


I shall now take off in my Quantum-Charged Ionic-blaster Turbo Nitro Sodium Chloride Jet Pack Suit.


IPB Image


Recommended Comments

I know... If I were a sci-fi writer, I'd just make things up... Or just give the devices simple names that actually describe their function instead of use words with no relation... It's ridiculous...

And if you think school spirit's strange at your school, at my school it's just sad... You wouldn't believe it. We have all these ridiculous contests and worse...

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What's an Ionic Ray Gun going to do? Statically shock your fierce Xyxzorgian foes?

Yeah, but a big electric shock around your whole body versus your hand would get annoying. You know, like annoying them to death. :P

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