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Maclaurin Series



Hey, got another Calculus question for anyone who can answer:

Knowing the Maclaurin series for ex, (1 + x + x2/2! + x3/3! ...), find the Maclaurin series for ex + x^2 and use it to find the fourth derivative at f4(0).


Anyone know how to do this? I can find the series, just not the derivative value.



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Ooh, one I know for sure!


Kay, so the Maclaurin series for f(x) is Sumn=0inf (f(n)(0)*xn/n!)


So if you can get the series in that form, which might be a pain, f(4)(0)/4! would be the fifth coefficient, and you can then easily find f(4)(0).

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I've done that, and that's where the problem really hits, it evaluates to this.

f(4)(0) = x4 + 4x3 + 6x2 + 4x + 1


I know that the answer should be 25, but I can't figure out a way to work backwards from 25, or forwards from the fourth derivative.


By the way, next time I have a Calculus question, can I just pm you? Since you're the only one answering anyways. :P

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Sounds good, but isn't it fun displaying all this crazy calculus to the world? :P


All right:


No way I'm expanding that by hand...TI-89 time!


Okay, expanding those five terms should come out like this:

ex+x^2~=1+x+3x^2/2!+7x^3/3!+25x^4/4!+ blahdeyblah (the rest isn't important since we are looking for f(4)(0) )


So using the general definition of a Maclaurin series for a function that I mentioned in the first comment, the fifth term in the series should be f(4)(0)*x4/4!. The fifth term looks to be 25x4/4!, so that means f(4)(0) is 25.

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But isn't the fifth coefficient just (x+x^2)^4/4! ?

Or do you have to put it in the form f(n)(0)*xn/n! before it's even valid?

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Doh! :lol:


One more question for the night, what about the function esin(x)? With the same criteria as above.

How would you rewrite that into the above form?

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Do you have to use it to find f(4)(0) again? Or can you build the series by finding the derivatives separately and plugging them into the f(n)(0)*xn/n! form?

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The problem want's me to use the Maclaurin series for ex to find the series for esin(x), and then find the fourth derivative.


Actually, I bet it wants me to then use the Maclaurin series for sin(x) after plugging it into the series for ex. That sound about right?

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I think so. Going the 1+sin(x)+(sin(x))^2/2!+(sin(x))^3/3!+... route sounds the best. You would be in worlds of pain trying to convert that to Sum f(n)(0)*xn/n! form.

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