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NaΝoⱲriΜo -- Bad News And Good News



The bad news -- yep, you guessed it -- is that I'm throwing in the towel.


I guess the sky-high goal of fifty thousand words in thirty days was out of my grasp from the start. I was woefully unprepared, and my story caught itself in a tedious cul-de-sac of forcing myself to write words that aren't there. I was relying far too much on being able to write by the seat of my pants, and what's more, extend that writing into fifty thousand words; the result: overextension and a lot of filler text. Perhaps my story isn't all dead, but at any rate 'twould be better as a novella than a novel.


But there's a good side to this. Don't look so surprised! I've discovered that I can write fifteen thousand words in fifteen days before running out of steam. This is indeed a good thing: I can write a very short novella in fifteen days, which translates to a very nice sized novella in thirty days (provided I write the plot ahead of time, of course).


And another interesting tidbit of information: While writing by the seat of my pants can work for very short stories (under two thousand words), anything above that needs more careful plotting.


While NaNoWriMo didn't prove to be my most fruitful pursuit, I've learned my personal writing limits; that knowledge by itself is worth the struggle. I hope to start preparing for next year as soon as possible.

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