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Diet Sunkist! Yay!



I've got me a big bottle of my absolute favorite orange soda drink ever, and IT TASTES SO GOOD! After all this time, I FINALLY HAVE IT AGAIN! Mmmm... I love the drink so much I even made my own parody of it, Diet Sadist... *SQUEE!*


I had the weirdest dream... First I was with my dad, searching for some person who was supposed to be my half-brother, and we were looking all over. There was this weird pen (like a caged/fenced area) where I think people were, and if I recall correctly, a tarp was thrown over them several times. We were in what was like a cross between a mall late at night and an airport. Then it suddenly shifted from there to this dream where I was in a dark crevice, and these living, small toy soldiers attacked me, and retreated under a bed and stuff. I then dreamed myself larger for some reason, fighting these guys continually. They were led by this modern-type miliatary toy general, and some of them were like Wild West cowboy soldiers. It was so strange... I squeezed myself under the bed and attacked lots of them, and then I was smaller, breaking out of a prison they had made, and began throwing rocks at the soldiers, and broke out some other toy prisoners who I think were Native American toys if I recall correctly. Then I was dreaming about a part of town, and there's a field there, with a steep hill (sorta) going up behind it and a road on top of the hill. But I dreamed the hill was even taller, and the place was HUGE.


I'm gonna be going on a walk with my dad soon... I like it normally, but it's super cold out, and I don't wanna go out.


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