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Why Does Everyone Hate The New Sets?



I don't really understand. If everyone hates 2006, and 2007 sets, why do they even buy Bionicles anymore? Why do they even go to this site? I mean, most people still stay in the hopes that Bio will get better, but I've heard quite a few people say that it's "gone too far" or somethings like that.


Why do you stay? Why won't you leave if there's no reason for you to even like what this entire site is devoted to?


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Whoever said everyone hates them? It may feel like it, but trust me, there are members who like them a lot.


And, keep in mind that many people have an automatic negative opinion of most new sets until they've seen them in person. I hated the Hordika until my brother received them for his birthday. But, once I'd seen their faces in real life, and from many angles, I could see they were much better-looking than they'd appeared in the catalog. They're now some of my favorites.


The Inika took some getting used to, especially in comparison to the Toa Olda, but there's something truly unique about Kongu's half-scaly face, or Hewkii's bumpy mask. Despite the conrast, they have many improvements over the very first Bionicles. (But they'll never be able to beat them, of course. Kongu and Hahli could never, ever beat Lewa and Gali. It's simply not possible. :P )


I like several of the Mahri. Like Hahli. Between her wings and bright, green-blue color scheme, she's got a special look about her.


And of course, the squids. They may count more as projectiles than squids, but they're awesome projectiles.




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Whoever said everyone hates them?


And, keep in mind that many people have an automatic negative opinion of most new sets until they've seen them in person. I never liked the Hordika until my brother received them for his birthday. Once I'd seen their faces in real size, and from many angles, I could see they were much better-looking than they'd appeared in the catalog.


Besides, I like several of the Mahri. Like Hahli. Between her wings and bright, green-blue color scheme, she's one I might get.





Turakii, I tried to sent you a message but your inbox is full. Anyway, I agree with what you said. I like Hahli's wings... but how will she use them underwater...?

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I like Hahli's wings... but how will she use them underwater...?

I've always wondered about that. :blink: They're nice wings, yes, and look good on her, but what purpose are they going to serve in the storyline?


Maybe they're waterwings...





P.S. Inbox-wise, I'm going to fix that sometime next week. I just haven't got to it yet. :lol: Sorry about that.

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There's a lot of reasons. Some people stay for nostalgia, because they still like the old years of Bionicle. Some don't like the sets, but enjoy making Bionicle art or MOCs. Some people just have yet to grow to love the newer sets. For instance, I always enjoy a set more once I can feel the plastic of it in my hands. Many people like Bionicle for different reasons, and just because they disapprove of some sets isn't enough to turn them off of Bionicle for good.

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People stay because this is a Bionicle fansite, and Bionicle is what brought people here in the first place. Many people who dislike newer changes tend to stupdly convince themselves that the new sets or storyline changes are "no longer Bionicle". The only change I am disappointed in is the lack of practical pistons in the Mahri (I'll explain what that means if you want), but it fails to ruin my outlook on Bionicle. After all, I can see that the Bionicle line will end if they ever eliminate pistons entirely, and while there are pistons, there's hope of practical ones. And the Calix... That is with no exaggeration one of the best Kanohi we have had in years, and ranks up there with the Hau in sheer Bionicleness. There will always be people who hate the movies, the sets, the storyline, and even the characters themselves, but today those things are as much a part of what Bionicle is as they were in 2001. As for those who disregard any part of Bionicle entirely, without giving them their due respect or even a chance, those people are not and probably never again will be true Bionicle fans. You can spend your money as you choose, but if you fail to explore the new aspects of the Bionicle universe, you can no longer be a growing part of it.


Those were my two cents. Spend them well.


- :vahi:


BTW, we really need a Calix smiley. And those things on Hahli are obviously fins, they're far too bony to be wings.

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It's kinda like the Eragon mmovie. A wise youngster once said, "Ya know, even though we're all complaining right now, we're gonna buy this when it comes out on DVD."




Because it was Eragon.


Same here. ;)



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People can like the storyline without liking the sets; they can like what the sets used to be like; they can like to MOC, draw, and write without liking new sets... This site is devoted to everything in Bionicle – not liking the newest sets still leaves six years' worth of things one might. ;)


Besides, you can still like some sets without liking others. For instance, I absolutely love Hahli Mahri, but I utterly hate Kongu and Hewkii.

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