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For my school's musical presentation, I'm in charge of fundraising, AKA organizing stuff to put into gift baskets that we can raffle off to the audience. That means typing up letters and going to buisnesses and begging asking for donated stuff.


Turns out, big corperations like Albertsons and Walgreens are big on giving stuff away via store managers. No, I have to go find somebody else to talk to, who probably doesn't even know where my community is. Then other places give me free stuff before I even finish my speech. :bigeek: Those people were completely awesome, and amazingly helpful. You just need to find the right stores to hit up, and go in. It also helps to have an official letter from the school and to dress nicely.


So, I got a few things down, but not a ton. I will say the same thing now that I said when I was going around asking for stuff for my Eagle Project... I don't like begging for free stuff at stores. Community-shmunity, most places want to find a way to make a profit... at leats most of the big name stores. The more local stores are alot more helpful. It's amazing what you can find when you shop around.


And, since I woke up at 6 in the morning to get started, I'm going to crash now. :wakeup2:




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Nighty-night... :P


Larger corporations are more concerned about their own profits than the good of the community? Who knew?



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It turns out that this blog shows a large heapful of your community service and your... err... efforts. No, it's tough to do that sort of work, and good for you that you found some things.


And the thing about companies, well, can't be helped. *shrug* Pity, no?



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Good for you, man! 'S not easy earning the funds needed for completion of a goal... I've been part of various fundraising drives for my school, community, and church, so I should know.
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