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Sibling Rivalry



My only sibling may have a severe mental and intellectual disability, but that doesn't mean sibling rivalry does not exist in our family.


My brother has a cunning that rivals or even outdoes mine! He knows full well how to take advantage of his disability, and the fact that no-one will think much of him because of it, and uses it to make my life a misery.


This afternoon he went into my room and took out some of my Pokemon DVDs, my Pokemon Battle Revolution game, a couple of Pokemon books, an outer space poster and some of my handkerchiefs, hiding most of it under his bed! When I found out, I was FURIOUS! My brother is bloody lucky none of the DVDS (at least at first sight) broke, else I'd've broken him!


Worse, my parents are both siding with him just because of his disability! I am getting the blame for him doing it, and I seem to be getting the blame for him being disabled, even though he was diagnosed before I was born! He gets away with murder just because he's disabled, AND HE KNOWS IT!


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DVDs are not very delicate. I accept the fact that he is messing with you, but it seems like a non-issue, since nothing was damaged, just displaced.


- 55555

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DVDs are not very delicate. I accept the fact that he is messing with you, but it seems like a non-issue, since nothing was damaged, just displaced.- 55555

I do get the feeling he was doing it for attention, but because of the severity of his disability, I felt it was highly likely they would get damaged or lost among all the other junk he had stuffed under his bed.


Plus, beds are heavy.

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DVDs are not very delicate. I accept the fact that he is messing with you, but it seems like a non-issue, since nothing was damaged, just displaced.- 55555
I do get the feeling he was doing it for attention, but because of the severity of his disability, I felt it was highly likely they would get damaged or lost among all the other junk he had stuffed under his bed.Plus, beds are heavy.

Ahkay, in your entry you only say that he took the stuff out.


- 55555

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