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Hey, He's Still Not Helping! >=(



Alright, so, a walrus ate my keyboard. Big deal. Doesn't it happen to everyone?




Well, yeah. A walrus ate my keyboard, so I couldn't put a blog entry in earlier today. Had to beat him with a misshapen carrot for him to give it up.... Hehe. Carrots. Anyway, that's disturbing and untruthful on so many levels, I believe it qualifies as "unsturthing". I went to a cookout yesterday. Everyone else enjoy your 4th of July? No? Oh, yes? Good. I could see fireworks from my window, only catch was it was at 1 AM. >_>


So, back to those non-existant comic tips;


Character sheets are controversial. Some people believe they aren't needed, and rather the characters should develop personalities themselves. Some people believe they're necessary, when you have a large cast of characters or just as a reference for those people just joining. It's up to you.


One thing I've actually noticed though, lately, is that there haven't been too many good kits recently. Almost everyone still uses RZ, Rayg, or Razor style for their base sprites. We've added on stuff (I made a Toa add-on for RZ's kit, Metrukuta's made some cool Hordika sprites for RZ's, Tums has made some good additions to the RZMIK) but it's all been on the same few kits. I haven't seen a MNB for a few years; Bioniplush is the newest kit that's widely used and still updated by its creator, Dok. Haven't seen Biogreg around in ages, and nothing else stands out too much. CD's new kit is coming out slowly but surely, and it should be spiffy. After his kit's out, I think BZP has reached about as far as it can go in Bionicle kitmaking; unless someone can create a kit that'll work even better for comic-making (LARGER. AND. EASIER. TO. SEE. EYES.) than RZ or Rayg's.


So besides a real entry like that, I'm going to go do random acts of evilness.


*clubs baby seal*


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Yeah, Etceh's (not CD XP) looks really awesome-er-iffic.


Character sheets are good. You know, like, just have a sprite of each character, and a little description. But if you only have a few characters, then don't use one.


That's Spitty's opinion :P


Baby seals! ;.;

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That's why I'm making sprites. :P


While they're destined to stink, I will, however, be the first person to attempt to sprite a trumpet, as well as various other instruments. :happydance:


It's only going to take a couple of years to finish. =D

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Ah, the fresh spam, glistening in the sunlight... 'twas very fruity indeed.


And the 'mot-cons' gold glare,

The links bursting in air,

Gave proof through the night,

That our spam was still there.

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I swear exo if you keep stealing my lines I'll beat you with this elongated leek.


And its comicly mishapen carrot by the way.

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So far people have beaten a walrus, baby seal, and Onuki with a variety of impliments including but not limited to a carrot, club and elongated leek. Rough place you got here.

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Neeeeways... Yeh, I'll be getting that kit produced. Exo likes expressionate eyes. I'm trying to implement eyebrows. I don't know how it'll work. But I want my sprites to be just as good for action as they could be for comics.

Unsturthing. I'm humbled, Big Eggmutico of Varrock M7.

Oh, and is that mishappen, or misshapen?

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:( :crying:


I'm scared of the fruits, and the seal's already got clubbed, stop missing Etcetra and Onuki when throwing fruits! The seal gets hit every time... :crying:


Character sheets aren't that needed... Maybe I should take it off my comics (which, by the way, has more pages than you Exo! Ha Ha Ha! :evilgrin: )


*throws fruit at Exo*


NOOOO!!! I MISSED!!! THE POOR SEAL!!!!!!!!! :crying: :crying:

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