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Torhu Vs. Vista: Round 1



About a month ago, my dad's computer went kaput. Thankfully, it still had four months left on the warranty, and Best Buy sent it out to get repaired. A week ago, we found out that it was inoperable. Or rather, that it was more cost efficient for Best Buy to replace it than to repair it.


On the upside, we get the value of the computer put towards a new one. And $450 today buys you something a truckload better than it did 3 years ago. On the downside, every computer they make these days comes equipped with Vista. And from what I've heard, that's nothing but an uphill battle. And in this war, I've already suffered a casualty.


My poor SD Card for some reason can't decide if it wants to be read by the PC or not. The Wii it normally calls home doesn't seem to mind reading from and writing to it, but Vista refuses to acknowledge its existance. Perhaps its my fault. After one day already, I've noticed that Vista really likes asking me if I'm sure of myself. Even when trying to instal/run Windows software I'm asked if I'm sure this is what I want to do. Double click McAffee and see: "Do you want to give permission for McAffee to run?" Even turning on the Firewall becomes a game of second guessing.


Perhaps somewhere along the line, I neglected to inform windows of my decision to read the SD Card. I mean, I only put it into the SD slot. How could I have expected the computer to know I wanted to actually do something with it.


Silly me I suppose.


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I'd be more willing to do that if it were my own PC. But this is my dad's, so I'd hate to start something like that and then screw up bad.


It's funny. I'm a Com Sci major (about to become graduate) and there's still things about computers that absolutely terrify me.

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