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An Accidental Culinary Creation



My boss was kind enough to pick up dinner for us guys at the office today. The meal of choice today was a quick pickup of a burger and fries from a nearby coffee shop. I had to fly, so in my haste to get everybody their food I neglected to grab enough condiments to go around. Since that was supposed to have been my job, I left what I had brought and ran back over to get some ketchup and whatnot for myself.


In my haste, I neglected to realize that the shaker next to the salt and pepper was something other than seasoned salt. That was until I sprinkled it onto my fries. Well..."poured" would be more accurate. I had grabbed what I believe to have been the cinnamon shaker. I still don't quite know, mostly because I pumped my ketchup and walked back to the office, laughing at my carelessness.


A few of the guys joked about how weird my fries looked, but after I dipped the first one in and took a bite, I realized something. They tasted pretty good. Curious, a few of them tried one, and said the same thing. Proud of my discovery, I happily finished my meal and documented the findings.


This is the second unusual food stuff I have enjoyed in my 22 years here on Earth. The original being a bizarre "goulash" consisting of baked beans, ketchup, and cottage cheese. Yeah, looking back I have no idea how I ate that (my family actually humored me once by trying it for themselves), but I think this fry thing may actually be for real.


So if you ever have the chance, try it out and get back to me!


Recommended Comments

So cinnamon, fries, and ketchup? I will so have to try that recipe.

Yeah, the trick is to put the cinnamon on like you'd sprinkle on salt, and then just eat them with ketchup like you normally would. If you feel the need, add a bit of salt to go with it.


And Omi, I guess great minds think alike. ;)

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