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It's A Great Time To Be A Gamer



I've only bought three actual Wii games since I picked up the console in November. And yet I've found myself playing on it everyday. This is because the Virtual Console is super awesome. I've got SMB, Kirby's Adventure, Mario 64, Mario Kart 64...and just recently added Donkey Kong Country.


And the best part is, there's still like 10 games I want to pick up. All of which are classics I just never got a chance to play. Games like Super Ghouls n' Ghosts, Contra III, and Gunstar Heroes. Then there's the "unknowns" that I never knew about...mostly because I grew-up on Nintendo consoles. So there's Turbo Graphix 16 games like Bonk's Adventure and Soldier Blade.


But that's not all, lately I've felt the somewhat forbidden urge to pick up an XBox 360. Crackdown looks like it could be fun, there's Lost Planet, Blue Dragon...but right now I'm making sure to do my research so I don't turn it into an impulse buy. I'm especially nervous about the Red Ring of Doom/Death I keep hearing about.


In the meantime, my DS and Wii still have games coming up that'll keep me entertained. I just finished Final Fantasy VI, and Pokemon Diamond comes out in April. There's also Super Paper Mario, and Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. The Wii right now has Sonic, Metal Slug...and I'm even looking into that new DBZ game. I own Budokai 3, but never got around to playing it (I've got like 30 PS2 games and just no time to enjoy them all). The controls sound like a blast, and I don't have many fighting games. All in all, I've got a lot to keep me entertained. And more looks to be coming in the next few months. Not to mention the big three Wii releases looming in the distance (Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, and Brawl).


But how are you guys doing for gaming? I know there's some BZPers out there that were lucky enough to score a Wii. Are you feasting on the VC buffet? Or have you been sufficiently sated by the Wii's lineup?


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I haven't checked the VC in a while, but it seems that I should.

Otherwise, I have Twilight Princess, Wario Ware, and Sonic to play right now. However, school has gotten in the way big-time and I am going to use the 2 weeks that I have off now to catch up.

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Although before I beat Twilight Princess I ignored the VC, now I realize it's a great source of enjoyment, soaking up all my time.
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So far, the game selection is good, but there aren't any "wow factor" games for the VC that I don't already have previous access to... not that there aren't some games I don't still want to download and play. Of course, I do have other things to do besides play video games. :P


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM

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Otherwise, I have Twilight Princess, Wario Ware, and Sonic to play right now. However, school has gotten in the way big-time and I am going to use the 2 weeks that I have off now to catch up.

How are you liking Sonic? That is fighting with Metal Slug for the next game I'm going to get...and any feedback may help tip the scales.

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