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Final Poll



BZPower, you don't make a lick of sense. Instead of voting for any of the four finished MOCs, or even the LDD render, you vote for the MOC with one ridiculous, terrible, hideously mishapen arm? The one that has literally only one arm? Really?


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Whatever happened to chillaxing and having some fun? :P

I'm not upset. I'm just really confused. It honestly doesn't make sense to me at all. Like, not even a little bit.

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Maybe you are just confused. I'm not you. But to everyone else just observing, it honestly just looks like you're upset over not winning.


I agree you have some good points about it not being finished. I voted for it initially because I never noticed that; yes, the photography was a blatant attempt at covering up the arm and it worked. Once I realized that, though, I didn't vote for it in the final poll. If it weren't for that arm, I certainly would have.


Beyond that, all of the continued criticism seems to be just an excuse now for your initial outrage.

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Maybe you are just confused. I'm not you. But to everyone else just observing, it honestly just looks like you're upset over not winning.I agree you have some good points about it not being finished. I voted for it initially because I never noticed that; yes, the photography was a blatant attempt at covering up the arm and it worked. Once I realized that, though, I didn't vote for it in the final poll. If it weren't for that arm, I certainly would have.Beyond that, all of the continued criticism seems to be just an excuse now for your initial outrage.

Blah blah blah. It's not outrage. But I still don't think it's a MOC that should be winning. If it had a topic in the BBC forum that I missed, I'd leave a long and detailed review explaining why it is not a great MOC, and detailing areas where things could be fixed.


There are three other MOCs in that poll I would be fine beating mine. I've lost lots of contests. If you think I'm upset about losing, you're silly. I've entered like fifty of these. You lose a lot of them. But you'll notice that every once in awhile there are contests where a lot of people get intense about certain MOCs winning because it doesn't make sense. This is one of those contests for me. It just blows my mind that people are voting for a MOC that's not even finished, that has tiny legs, that can't stand up straight, etc. I've got a lot of complaints about that MOC. And no, I don't think it deserves to beat mine. Or the other Batman. Or Man-Bat. Or even Mr Freeze, and I don't think LDD MOCs should be allowed. All of those MOCs are better thought out, better proportioned, better aesthetically in my view, and more deserving of the vote. Man-Bat has character I don't think anyone else captured. That's why I voted for it, twice.


Also, please, explain to me how that Batman MOC, even with another of those terrible forearms, is a better MOC than any of those others I listed? Because it's Batman? It's a great WIP, and I think could be a great MOC with a lot more work.

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Did you consider that maybe it just looks cool? Not everyone (myself included) cares about all the technical skill and stuff that went into it. That entry's head/face is by far the best-looking one, plus he got the logo spot-on. The belt is very good as well. Simple and faithful to Batman. An arm missing (that would be hidden behind the cape anyway) can't hold back the rest of the awesome Batman-accuracy.

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Did you consider that maybe it just looks cool? Not everyone (myself included) cares about all the technical skill and stuff that went into it. That entry's head/face is by far the best-looking one, plus he got the logo spot-on. The belt is very good as well. Simple and faithful to Batman. An arm missing (that would be hidden behind the cape anyway) can't hold back the rest of the awesome Batman-accuracy.

The proportions are awful, the body doesn't look like it can stand straight, the tubes stick out the back of the mask noticeably, the arm that it does have is as long as the legs, the elbow is just full of question marks, and the whole MOC is extremely underwhelming. I don't understand even a little bit. A coolish logo shouldn't be carrying the rest of that mediocrity as it is.

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I don't see how the "proportions are awful." Heck, the other Batman was waaaay worse in that respect.


Why did I vote for it? I think it looks exactly like it should, besides the missing half an arm and the bad connection between the two sections of the other. I admit, I likely wouldn't have voted for it if I had caught the arm. But 5x5 did such a great job that a bunch of people completely missed that.

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I don't see how the "proportions are awful." Heck, the other Batman was waaaay worse in that respect.

The lower arm is about twice as long as it should be, the body is too long, and the legs are too short. The body should be about three heads long, it's closer to four. The legs should be four heads long, and they're about three. That's a huge discrepency. Like, wow. Those proportions are bad. They are not realistic, they don't look "like they should", they look wrong. They look unnatural.

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