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Post 100



I celebrated it with a full out luxurious Chinese meal, and loved it. Ooh... there was freshwater fish steamed with ginger (my fave!!!), salted chicken, drunken prawns, ee-fu noodles, scallop with vegetables, abalone and sea cucumber with more vegetables, and honeydew pudding with sago and pomelo.


It was in conjuction with my GPA score celebrations. Face it, as much as I would work on my school year, it may never get as high as that. May. I will strive for the best that I can do.



Another reason to celebrate is the launch of something new for me.


I look back at my works, even my current epic. It sufficed to say that I wasn't happy with it.


I wanted to try something new, something more relevant to life, and its problems and solutions.


So, don't feel daunted by the title. Everyone's welcome to read and comment. This is probably the first epic of its kind for Bionicle, and let's see how it runs, eh?




Something for the Girls

No epic can do without a review topic!



And off to work I go! *bounce*


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