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Ooh A Blog

Lady Kopaka


hi everyone


im doing a all-nighter right now, trying to finish a project. taking a break, i was wondering how bzp was fairing. i really like the new style of the forums.


i'm sorry i'm no longer on. i keep wanting to slip back on but i have too much to do these days to keep tabs with the site; but maybe ill try to get on more. i'm in my sophomore year of college, but im withdrawing after this semester because i cant afford it and also due to health problems. im debating on if i should stay in MO or move back to TN. Have a job, got a tattoo, letting my hair grow out, have sadly not written anything in months, and not much on art either


how has everyone been? i was lurking the forums and realized all the people i havent talked to in forever; hope you all are doing well


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That stinks about college...good to know you have a job and what not.


Despite the fact we haven't talked in over two years, still somewhat gratifying to know you're doing slightly okay. Still, you should know what I'm not happy about after two years.


I've been okay, I have been attempting to write every once and awhile. As you might have seen, I got the sequel for ADHT up and almost finished with it. I've entered the SS contest currently going on, hopefully I'll get into the finals on that, but because there are so many entries, that's basically a one out of 43 chance.


School has been good, working a lot at it...BZP serves as a distraction sometimes, but I still do pretty good.


Nonetheless, busy for the most part.

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Yay! She's back! She's back! Sorry it's just been awhile since we last heard from you. You should really stay on BZP, but if life/college gets in the way I think we'll understand if can't stay on.

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I think I'll attempt to stay, but if it doesnt work out then I will have withdraw again. I'll mostly be around artwork/stories section and blogs.


if you guys want to stay contacted with me regularly (or well, semi-regularly)--I can always share email, msn, steam, or skype over PM.


ve been okay, I have been attempting to write every once and awhile. As you might have seen, I got the sequel for ADHT up and almost finished with it. I've entered the SS contest currently going on, hopefully I'll get into the finals on that, but because there are so many entries, that's basically a one out of 43 chance.

I'll have to try to attempt to read your stuff again after finals. im sure you'll do fine in the contest. nice hearing from you, hope your family is doing well.

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Great to see you're back, Lady K!


Cool to hear you've got a job. Hope it pays well :P .


I've been doing pretty well myself, aside from a small cold that has besieged my family this week. I'm still writing fanfics; in fact, I currently have two epics (well, an epic and a supplemental epic, actually) in the process of being posted at the moment, as well as a short story for the most recent SS contest.



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Hi LK. Nice to see you're back on BZP, at least for now. I might not see much of you here since I don't spend much time in the blogs, but then again the fact that more than two of the blogs I follow are still running is as good an incentive as any to start visiting them more often!


Good luck with the rest of this semester. I hope whatever you decide on doing from here on out will eventually turn out for the best.

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OMG, LADY K!!! :happydance:


Awesome to see you back; sorry about college and your health -- I hope they both get better! Good to know you have a job, though. Good luck with everything!


As for me, I haven't written anything in forever either, unfortunately. =/ I hope to during the Christmas break. I have finals this week and have been busy with school and college apps and basketball, but other than that things have been going pretty good.


Nice to see you again, and I hope you can stay around! Don't feel bad if you can't though; we understand and know real life is more important (even if we wish it wasn't =P) -- it's awesome to have you back for right now now. =]



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