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Events Of The Day



Today’s been an interesting day. Here are some highlights.


Woke up to watch the lunar eclipse this morning. I was slightly worried I wouldn’t be able to see it; we’ve been having heavy fog in the mornings recently. Luckily, when I got up, the sky was still clear, and I had an excellent view of the moon right outside my bedroom window. (Score, didn’t have to go outside in the cold!) (Also, Rene, we just got the window fixed, after you helped me shatter it.) Sadly, just as the total eclipse part was happening, the moon sunk behind a tree… the tallest tree on the horizon. What bad timing. :( But it was still cool to see.


Braved the crowds at the store to do some Christmas shopping, ext. Mostly bought stuff for myself… yes, I know I’m horrible. But managed to save an overall of 30% on my purchases, so not bad.


In the previously mentioned shopping experience, I picked up the Knight Bus set. Luv the purple bricks… will be good for mosaic-ing.


And driving home, I saw a bald eagle flying over a field. We get lots of hawks in our area, but not bald eagles. Sure, I’ve seen them in the wild before, but not locally. So that was cool. Sadly, I didn’t get a lot of time to watch it, since I was driving.


Anyway, I have finals next week (two back to back on Wednesday morning… curses). But then I’m finished with school for the week. BZP-wise, I’m thinking about entering the system contest, but I really need to sort through my parts first, since I don’t even know if I have the elements needed to do what I want. Also I’ll probably enter a sci-fi story for the COT Short Story contest. I have a great idea all planned out… just need to write it.




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