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School Rooms

Let's Henshin!


The following two posts are suggestions on the school layout.




I will soon start making plans of our Academy building. These are the features I would think it should have:

  • Main hall
  • Student accomodation
  • Masters' chambers/studies
  • Teaching rooms
  • Courtyard with sparring areas
  • Laboratory
  • Library
  • Small lake


Small Courtyard or Gym in center of monastery, filled with various practice dummies and the like.


A couple of classrooms for the teachers, start off small with each room about the size of a bedroom.


Library, biggest part of school, filled with books on many topics.


Dorms, for teachers and students.


Small cafeteria.


That's my two cents on the school.


Anyway thoughts.


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There should definitely be classrooms, a library, and a courtyard in the center of the academy.


I think we should build the rooms in a fortress-like rectangle, leaving the center area open to form a courtyard. We could have a small pond on one side of the courtyard, perhaps, while the other side is devoted to fighting / sparring practice. We could add a small, one- or two-story tower atop each corner to hold dormitories.


The inside of the fortress-like wall will contain rooms on the inner side (the better to avoid distractions from the outside) and a hallway will lead along the outside of the academy.

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Onarax is right. Starting out with just, say, the courtyard and a couple small buildings should be enough to give us the kickstart. Over time, we can add things, but we are not making anything that looks even slightly like a fortress. Not just because of what happened to the last one, but also because this is a place of learning and introspection, and when i think of that I think of monasteries.


How many monasteries look like fortresses? None.


But to be honest, I've always liked the idea of a one-building center. Think Greek style. Here's a Wikipedia aritcle that sums it all up:



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I like the style EW has in mind for the school but I've always liked the idea of having an open space in the middle of the building for a type of courtyard.

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My idea was to have a few huts around a courtyard. Most huts would have a classroom and teacher's bedroom. One would be the library and the last few would be student dorms.

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I want to avoid the one building idea, because realistic it seems more likely it would first be built as a bunch of huts with pathways linking them together. We can upgrade it later into one main building.

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I guess we could start off small like that and turn it into a building as we progress but just saying, the huts are going to have to be pretty darn big and numerous.

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