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More Notes ...



It's looking like Book 6 will need a polish -- need to shift some Matoran roles around and the villains need to be more evil. Unlike some previous years, we are not just abandoning the high priced sets as we enter the new year -- a lot of the summer '06 characters will continue into the '07 story in some way, shape or form, which I think is good for the story and fair to the people who went out and bought the sets.


Just told the BIONICLE bosses in Denmark how this book ends -- hopefully, they will be okay with it. Hard to sit and write sometimes on these beautiful spring days ... but best to do it in the morning, so I am done by the time wife wakes up in case she wants to go out.


Amazing how much we have been able to keep secret this year. There is a LOT BZP doesn't know yet, even about promotions and such this year. I guess unlike a movie year, you don't have a lot of sources for leaks. The movies needed to be promoted, so a lot of info and images had to get out early. I think people are enjoying this year more because they don't know everything already.


Figured out this morning that -- counting novels and anthologies only, not comics or guidebooks -- I have written about 340,000 words of BIONICLE since mid-2003. Kind of scary :) (My wife always gets a laugh when I say something like "Only 6000 words left to do!" on a book.)


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Wow thanx Greg. You just gave us our first hint at 2007. Axonn and/or Brutaka/Vezon survive, Matoran still play important roles, new villains. Thanks a lot!

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Yay! Sneak peeks!


Sounds like the Matoran will have some roles next year too, that's good, especially since that means more new Matoran sets too. It'll be interesting to see what roles those larger sets play - Also since I believe you said that next year we'll be on a new island.


Just out of curiousity, how does the book seem so far, compared to the ones you have already written (Darker? More mysterious? Better? More random? Whatever) ?



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Ooh, this is interesting... A glimpse into the life of our favorite Bionicle novel writer(well, only, a this point ;))!


It's great to hear about your progress on BL#6 and a few small hints of what's to come. I think reading this is extremely interesting; knowing about how and when you wrote which books lends them a whole new life. :)


2007 sounds like another great Bionicle year. I just hope we get to see some more of Takanuva, Turaga Dume, the Rahaga, and the rest of the Metru Nui inhabitant and how the restoration project is going... I really wanna find out more on what's happening at home base. B)


Keep writing and blogging, Greg! ;)



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Oooo, B6 sounds awesome. I bet the Matoran are Garan and Co. And making villains more evil? I don't think I've heard that one yet. :P

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Oh fun! ^_^ A glimpse into the life of a BIONICLE author.


Figured out this morning that -- counting novels and anthologies only, not comics or guidebooks -- I have written about 340,000 words of BIONICLE since mid-2003. Kind of scary :) (My wife always gets a laugh when I say something like "Only 6000 words left to do!" on a book.)

:lol: Wow. 340,000 words...that's a lot...


Yeah, the leaks haven't been too common. Usually by this time, we've found out the Summer canister sets months before. This year we only found out about the mask powers a week ago.

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I know what you mean Greg. I once attempted to write a 50,000 word book(can you believe it? I made it! =D) and I was like, "Only 30,000 words left...must...continue!" XD

It's great to hear that there will be an Exo Force book, and I think that having Book 6 come out will be AWESOME. :)

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Every now and again, I remind myself that my first three novels, back in the '90s, were 100,000 words each (and I wrote the first one in six weeks! Ah, the energy of the young ... :))


Scholastic is always worrying about overworking me, but I figure this won't last forever, and I should take advantage of the chance to write the books (and make the money) while I can -- these books helped pay for my wedding, and will probably help buy a house and have a family in future, so you give up a few weekends for that :)



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BL #6... must have... BL #6.


Wait, was that disturbing?


Wow. Already we know so mch, and now you tell us we don't know that much. Wow.


:h: :r: :a: :s: :h: :0:

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Guest Wobo Ihi


340000 words? That's awesome. ^_^

Good luck with further writing.

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Just told the BIONICLE bosses in Denmark how this book ends -- hopefully, they will be okay with it.

Oooo...Sounds like something drastic is going to happen, having to get approval from the bosses an all :blink:. Sounds like '07 is shaping up to be a pretty good year!



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Book 6 sound like it going to be a very good book from what you wrote. Wow, you written about 340,000 words, that a lot in my opinion. It seem your very busy. It hard to believe you have time to go on bzpower. It also hard to believe that Bzpower don't know everything this year, of course this year their not a lot of leaks to spoil the story like you said. Well at lease we know their will be some familiar characters in the 2007 book. Your doing a good job in my opinion. ~J.M.J.~

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Hard to sit and write sometimes on these beautiful spring days ... but best to do it in the morning, so I am done by the time wife wakes up in case she wants to go out.

Heh... you should move to someplace with more miserable weather, like the Pacific Northwest (right now, anyway). You'd get more writing done, maybe.


Personally, I'm a night owl, and am at my most attentive in the evening. Which is strange since I have to be up and at work by 7 a.m. Fortunately, my wife lets me do what I need to when I need to do it. "But sweetheart, I've only got thirty more battle droids to mow down in this level!"

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and so '07 begins before '06 is half over :lol: so '08 will be done by spring :P


340000 words... that's a lot of words


so there's info we don't know... and so there will be promo sets... excellent...

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thanks greg....


well now we know the name.The title sort of gives some hints as to whats to come.

Promos? could these perhaps be the turaga lhikan,piraka thing and that rahi?

anyway its nice to know some minor hints for next year. I kind of like the idea of not knowing whats to come its more of a mystery. Back in 04 i read all the spoilers on bzp and when i saw the movie i knew what was going to happen.

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Not abandoning the characters? Sounds great to me...

Sping is overrated.

Much we don't know, eh? Good, good... No matter how much people want spoilers, leaks, and the like, I think we all like it more when we don't know, until we're supposed to know.

350k words, in the Bionicle books... That's a lot.

Good luck with the rest,

Logan Nuva

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