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Reviews Of Movies From Months Ago!



So mum and dad had their anniversary of the first time they dated yesterday (Saturday), so they went out and my sister and I had our annual stay at home and watch movies from the videro store and eat takeaway night. We borrowed two movies that we probably should have gone to the movies for, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 (rolls off the tongue, doesn't it?) and Cars 2. Mmm.


I'm not going to spoiler things because reasons that are borderline obvious.


So the former, was much better than I expected, and I'm partly regretful for not going to see it. It actually did pretty well for a HP movie, pretty tense and amusing, but rounded things off nicely. The movie did a terrible job of explaining why Harry survived though. I honestly don't even remember how. Oh well.


The latter, while still entertaining, is showing that Pixar isn't invincible. It just didn't have that spark of simple brilliance with the premise, it was a bit same old for the animation genre. Also the plot kinda cancelled itself out with the reveal of the evil mastermind, IMO. And I don't like where Pixar's going, at least for the next one or two films. Grave fears.


So not really reviews but comments OH WELL.




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I agree with both of those comments.


They did a poor job at explaining how he survived.


And I don't know what Pixar is doing latly. Their last good Movie would have been Toy Sotry 3.

With Cars 2... I don't think the Movie had any idea where it wanted to go. I went and show this with a few friends, and I was the only one that was able to keep up with all the Plot Holes. And what most little kids got out of the movie was *Spoiler* Lighten won.

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Guest kopakanuva13


I feel like they're starting to rely too heavily on sequels. They managed to do fine with totally new ideas with one sequel thrown in for the longest time, but now it makes you wonder if their ideas are running dry. Which would be silly, considering how off-the-wall all the ideas for the other movies except maybe Bug's Life and Cars were.

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