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Tintin + Sherlock Holmes This Week!



I'm finishing exams this week, and as soon as I finish on Thursday, I'm heading straight to the theater for a double feature. First off, The Adventures of Tintin. It's going to be AMAZING. I love Tintin, and I've been counting down the days until I can watch it.


The other movie is gonna be Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows. The first movie was great; this movie should be great.


This week is gonna be AWESOME.


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The first Sherlock movie losts a lot of its appeal after I saw the BBC Sherlock present-day mini series, which was so much better. But yeah, those do like two cool movies to see.



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You´ll like Tintin, it´s good.


It looks great. I just hope they chose good voices for the characters; it would ruin the movie if the voices weren't chosen correctly (I can tell from the trailer that they made Haddock Scottish).


The first Sherlock movie losts a lot of its appeal after I saw the BBC Sherlock present-day mini series, which was so much better. But yeah, those do like two cool movies to see.:music:


Having a modern, present-day type Sherlock Holmes kind of made me not watch that series. I heard it was good, but I like the current setting... without much hi-tech and cell phones, etc. I might give the show a chance this break, though, if you recommend it.

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