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Kalama and Ta Rahkshi


So I've been hearing a little about this "Stop Online Piracy Act" or SOPA. I didn't understand what all the fuss was about until I breezed through [Do not mention sites with forums! -Takuma Nuva] and read a recent post by the Owner and Founder Tom Fulp.


According to the bill itself, it's meant to combat piracy by blocking foreign sites that give away free illegal downloads by disrupting the domain name making it inaccessible to USA internet users. Thus preventing piracy. Issue solved. Everyone goes home happy. Or do they?


Continuing to read his post, Tom makes a solid point where the rich and powerful often abuse things like this to shut down other sites just because they have some unlicensed imagery. [Do not mention sites with forums! -Takuma Nuva] itself has received notices in the past to remove some items from user pages, not a big deal but with SOPA they can pull the plug on the site with no advance warning.


People are not nice. I've had personal experience with a lot of people who abuse the system. There's even more online that we call "Trolls" and "Griefers" who make things worse because they get their jollies from other people's pain. You KNOW there's going to be people out there who will take advantage of this to vape sites "just for laughs." Let's not mention "Copyright infringement issues." There's no need.


Now this makes me curious about the Fate of BZPower should SOPA get passed. While I'm sure the Admins and LEGO have a good relationship, BZPower contains things from other sources that their respective owners might not be so hot on having out on the forums and might have this site vaped. Let's not forget about any of those unseen hackers and griefers who might see us as a prime target for giggles.


While some of you members are probably going to light up my comment section like a roman candle, I'm more curious about the Admin's stance on this and what they think about it.


Ladies and Gentlemen, the floor is yours.


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As fascinating as a discussion about this would be given the topic, it unfortunately would lead to a political discussion.


If you would like to discuss this or have any questions, feel free to PM any of our administrators in regards to how/if BZPower could be affected by this bill passing.


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