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Rpg Fatigue?





so RPG Contest #22 voting is going to begin soon. I'm not sure if I'm actually nervous or not at the prospect of losing -- which, given the number of extremely good entries this time around, is a very real possibility.


So... eh. Not sure what I'm trying to say here. I suppose, I'm not necessarily going to mind if I lose this time -- and, frankly, I almost feel a little hopeful that I do. I really feel like the downtime did some serious damage not only to ROTR and Day Run, in terms of both activity and story progression/coherency, but to myself as a GM.


Looking back, the way I've run my RPGs has deteriorated exponentially ever since the forums came back, compared to how I used to run both games. I feel like both stories have become a lot less about the players and more about me trying to get things to go the way I want them to -- heck, Day Run can't even go anywhere half the time due to me being unable to post.


I don't know. I'm starting to feel more and more like I'd not a good RPG GM. Either that, or I'm experiencing some serious GM fatigue. =/


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Might be a little fatigue.


And as for Day Run, most of that is because we're around your characters so much. =P Like with Kairan, only reason he's not doing anything, aside from me not knowing what to really do about him otherwise, is because he's on the run, and I don't know how far it is from where we were to Tyis. =P And it is kinda my fault about not bringing my new char in... I've been busy with gaming, and well, I don't really know where to put my new char. =P


And as for RotR, things will go a lot faster once the Unova plot actually gets started. Then stuff will get kicked to 11 very quickly. =P

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It happens to the best of us. I certainly felt it when I was running the last Star Wars RPG in COT, and that's sort of why I am nervously eager to see my game win -- so I can showcase how I've improved and how I'm invigorated since that flop a while back.


(Okay, so it was far from a flop, but still.)


But this isn't just about GMing -- it's about playing in general. Imagining one's skills in RPing on both sides of the staff wall as a stamina meter, it goes down no matter what you do an you're bound to reach an end where everything just seems so bland and you lose your efforts entirely. After a short break, however, the meter jumps back up and you have energy again.

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I can say that you're a great GM in DR. It's just that you are leading pretty much everything at the moment. However, there's Alan's group, which I pretty much devised, and, besides some rather hard nudges, I've been making it myself.


Look at how many of us say we're going to vote for DR. We wouldn't do that if we didn't like it and you.

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I can say that you're a great GM in DR. It's just that you are leading pretty much everything at the moment. However, there's Alan's group, which I pretty much devised, and, besides some rather hard nudges, I've been making it myself.


Look at how many of us say we're going to vote for DR. We wouldn't do that if we didn't like it and you.

Woops. Don't know why I did that. XP *goes to fix*


See my point in response to Blade below.


I've noticed, and I do appreciate it. But that number is also significantly less than it used to be. Some of that, granted, is due to people disappearing after the downtime; this I acknowledge. It's still disheartening to see a fan base shrink, though. :3


Might be a little fatigue.


And as for Day Run, most of that is because we're around your characters so much. =P Like with Kairan, only reason he's not doing anything, aside from me not knowing what to really do about him otherwise, is because he's on the run, and I don't know how far it is from where we were to Tyis. =P And it is kinda my fault about not bringing my new char in... I've been busy with gaming, and well, I don't really know where to put my new char. =P


And as for RotR, things will go a lot faster once the Unova plot actually gets started. Then stuff will get kicked to 11 very quickly. =P

DR (also in response to ToD above): But that's just what I mean. I have so many NPCs that I essentially end up being entangled in every plot, making it to where -- at least from my point of view -- it gives the impression that I'm trying to have my characters discover everything that needs to be discovered and figure out everything that needs to be figured out -- when, in reality, that's not the case at all.


Here are some examples. Who discovered the Construct's weakness? Zanth and Rhindon, basically. Who discovered the Garden for the players? Lurinost and Sanshou. Who figured out the Darkside's weakness in the last thread? Sanshou. Who was the first character, outside of Lyxek, to learn of the Heart? Vailian. And it goes back to Night Ride, as well. =/


sigh.... Maybe I'm being too hard on myself; I don't know. I just feel like my own characters are constantly stealing the lime light from PCs -- which may or may not be true; heck, that list was actually more difficult to think up than I thought it would be, so maybe I'm wrong. But I really do feel hypocritical a lot of the time because of that -- emphasizing that specific people are not the sole focus of the RPG and then having a big part in everything that goes on, essentially.


I guess it boils down to a simple question: Do I actually make people feel like their characters are less important than mine? If not, then great; moving on, because I now know that the part of one's mind that causes doubt is just doing its job and there's actually nothing to worry about. But if I'm actually right? Then I feel really crummy. That's a question for the players to answer, though, so I'll leave it at that.


ROTR: Hopefully; the problem is getting to that point, and keeping the RPG alive long enough for anything to come of it. But that's an issue (lack of new players/inactivity of what were once devoted ones) deserving its own blog entry. :3


It happens to the best of us. I certainly felt it when I was running the last Star Wars RPG in COT, and that's sort of why I am nervously eager to see my game win -- so I can showcase how I've improved and how I'm invigorated since that flop a while bac k.


(Okay, so it was far from a flop, but still.)


But this isn't just about GMing -- it's about playing in general. Imagining one's skills in RPing on both sides of the staff wall as a stamina meter, it goes down no matter what you do an you're bound to reach an end where everything just seems so bland and you lose your efforts entirely. After a short break, however, the meter jumps back up and you have energy again.

Glad to hear I'm not the only one. :3


That's generally how I feel about Night Ride, though, and how I felt when I first officially entered Day Run. I know a lot (at least from what I've heard) thought Night Ride was amazing done or whatever words they were using, but I, honestly, thought that there was a lot that could have been done and handled more effectively. I've no idea how people's views have changed since DR was first posted...


I guess that's true. Definitely explains why Island of Pain, the only RPG I'm currently active in that I'm not GMing (discounting the BZPRPG, as I'm on a hiatus over there,) is the only one that I haven't yet felt exhausted with. Maybe a break is all I need...

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And you got two of them here (admittedly some of your close BZP friends) saying it's fine. Nothing is perfect, and everything looks terrible when you look back. I cringe looking at posts even half a year ago - and I'll cringe come March when I look back.


You need to help drive the plot as the GM, and you let us do enough co-piloting.


Go ahead, take a break - just after this contest, 'k?

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Yes! You should totally take a break. Withdraw and vote for my RPG and see how gamemastering is done! :P


(Kidding. I <3 you too much for that sort of naysaying.)

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Day Run: Gonna respond to all points, but this is what I'll respond to first. =P

Who discovered the Construct's weakness? Zanth and Rhindon, basically.


Well, I'd argue that it became painfully obvious the face mark was the weakness after a few attacks, and that it could've been anyone who actually discovered it. =P


As for what characters find out about different things, that might be, but it also is because you're one of the only people who had known about it prior to the reveal. And people can't always look for things if they don't know what said thing is. =P


As for stealing the limelight, I wouldn't say that. A lot of things couldn't have happened without the players, and you even said yourself that the whole Khazra thing had to be rewritten on the fly because a couple of meddling players(*Whistles innocently as me and ToD take a step back*) blew up the lab. =P(Meddling players is simply a joke reference, and I think everyone knows what I mean. =P); so obviously things can't be too reliant on you; or that would never have worked. =P


As for the 'important' thing; obviously your characters are going to be held to a higher standard... You're the GM; and that means that you do have control of the more important characters and NPCs and such, like Lyxek and the Director. However, that being said, I'd say that there are some PCs who have been rivaling the importance of them, even in the last little while.


RotR: Well, pretty much all I'm waiting on there is the battles, and that shouldn't take that long. Then all that I need is permission to advance the group even when you can't respond with Kyle and Sonja, and I'll show you why I always say things get moving more when I'm around. =P I'll obviously slow down at a certain part, however, since we both have things planned for that, but until then, and even while it's going on, I can advance my portion of the Unova plot while you work on your part. =)


All in all; I don't think you're a bad GM at all. I think it might be more that this downtime has affected everyone RPG-wise. I mean, Alkermpa, of all RPGs, closed/is closing. And it was set to run to over 100 pages back before the upgrade. =P


My advice? If you need to, take a break for a while. But if you don't feel you need to, keep moving forward, and keep up hope.


Also, one question, can I use that RotR banner, provided it fits with my Avvie? Might help recruiting. =P

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I was referring more to the "only dual attacks will work" thing. :P


Anyway... Yeah; I guess you guys are right. I'm not going to reply to everything right now since I haven't had much computer access since yesterday and I need to make a few posts, but it looks, basically, like I'm just doubting myself for whatever reason. So thanks for the encouragement; I appreciate it. :)


Blade: Permission granted. And yeah, feel free to use the banner. ^_^


But yeah. I have a fairly minor surgery... thing... going on next month that is going to incapacitate me for a day or two, so I think I'll use that as my break when the time comes.


That, or I'll just disappear randomly for a few days. :P


EDIT: Smiley overload.....

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