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A Plea



We all know what it's like when a favorite TV show or series of some other kind gets canceled before it can be concluded. We all know that that kind of thing stinks and it shouldn't happen. It's a terrible, terrible fate that has been shared by countless stories, few of which have gotten the chance to reemerge after the fact and finish what they had started.


Well, my dear friends, now is one of those times. Day Run: The Garden has made it into the RPG Contest final poll. It's off to a bad start. Mine included, it has three votes. This saddens me, and like those TV shows, it will sadden the players if it does not get a chance to finish.


I'm repeating an old message here, one that I've been preaching for the past couple of weeks. The story is almost finished; we are so close to finding out what ties everything in the Day Run storyline together -- what is the connection between Lyxek and the Director? What is the Collector, really? Who, exactly, is Rhashahk? And what in the devil's name is the deal with that rose?


All of that is in jeopardy. And we need your help to save it. Yours is the vote that could make or break Day Run's continued existence. Please; if you have extra time, submit a vote for entry #8 over in the final poll. If it wins, another story will have concluded, and a lot of people will be very happy as a result. If not... then this story may very well never see a conclusion.


Thank you for your time.





At this point I would like to thank everyone who has either voted for Day Run or made a blog entry of their own to raise awareness for it; you guys rock! ^_^


At any rate, it's a close race, and it still needs votes to solidify a win. So, if you don't mind and have the time to do so, you should totes vote for Day Run in the contest -- along with whatever other two you want to vote for. ^_^


There are only two days left of voting, though, so hurry fast!




Bumping again because Day Run has fallen behind. :(


Once again, if you haven't voted, please consider giving a vote to Day Run. It's one vote behind right now and the story is starting to go into some very interesting places. And, really, there's nothing to lose by voting for it, so if you are willing, please come and support us -- you'll make a number of people happy!



~This message brought to you by the Oregonian Parugi Association~


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I think we're doing much better now. =)


What troubles me, however, is the fact that it's looking like it'll be either Island of Pain or Day Run that'll get the last spot... And I don't want either to be closed up... =/

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Blade: Indeed; from second to last to second in one night! In the words of M. Night -- what a twist!


And I'll say possibly to that. Right now they're both tied for second place; assuming it stays that way, then they'll both get to keep going. ^_^


Kal: Danke! ^_^


Eeko: Thanks; I appreciate it! ^_^


NoM: Thank you! :D

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Parugi: I guess everyone got on and voted today. xD Plus, I'm guessing the whole blog campaign worked a bit. I honestly only expected my own entry to be put up, but I guess I should've realized iBrow would make a post too. =P


I agree with ToD there. =) But, it's currently tied with IoP for second, so hopefully it stays that way... Again, I don't want either RPG to be closed. xD

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Parugi: I guess everyone got on and voted today. xD Plus, I'm guessing the whole blog campaign worked a bit. I honestly only expected my own entry to be put up, but I guess I should've realized iBrow would make a post too. =PI agree with ToD there. =) But, it's currently tied with IoP for second, so hopefully it stays that way... Again, I don't want either RPG to be closed. xD


Why would I not make a post? :P


But yes. Glad to see it's tied for second; hoping it'll get a few more votes and have a more secure position though. I don't like that two other RPGs are within one or two votes of Day Run.

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Yes, but is it still a place where newcomers can immerse themselves in an exciting story? From your entry it appears that it's finishing up. Often many RPGs have the problem that they don't tie up the loose ends, something you have cleverly planned, but somebody who isn't already in the game might feel that it would be best for an RPG that would bring in new players and not burden them with a story that requires lots of prior knowledge of what happened in the previous RPGs to win.


I haven't played Day Run, and if I got something wrong, which I probably did, I'd happily be corrected. However, IMO, I'd rather like for a new RPG, not a continuation, to win.


If I were you, I'd start thinking up a backup ending in case DR:TG doesn't win.

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I believe it is. In many cases, the big portion of the story is really just starting now, what with everything that might've been started in previous months actually coming into play now. It might want some prior knowledge to join up; however; the RPG wanted that from the start, due to being a sequel to Night Ride, Parugi's old RPG. And I even successfully joined in just before the last contest with no problem.


Sure, I didn't really know exactly what was going on, and in many cases still don't, but the main thing you need to know is that something bad will happen soon because two groups hate each other and are trying to wipe each other out with uber powerful artifacts that can revive an ancient person. But given that your character will be as much in the dark as you are at the beginning, it's easier just to get into the story and get filled in.


However, I admit that I can also see your point about why people wouldn't vote if they were newcomers... that being said, though, I kinda wish more people would consider the older RPGs as well, as, when was the last time we had an RPG that lasted the maximum amount of contests you could win in a row? I forget. =/

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Yeah; not much I can add on to what Blade said.


It all depends on how you look at it, really; part of the value of Day Run, as I see it, is the fact that, overall, the players -- veterans and newcomers -- are in the dark about what's really going on story-wise. So while it certainly helps to know about what happened earlier, both in DR before now and in Night Ride, it doesn't necessarily give anyone an advantage -- even at this point, no one has been able to accurately guess some of what is going to happen despite the fact that I've essentially given them clues pointing right to my plans.


Some people might see that as a good thing, some people -- like newer members -- might misinterpret what my intentions are; I understand this. But again, it's all in how you view the RPG -- and even if you miss the big stuff, I've included ways for people to get in on the game without jumping right into the main story; and I know that in at least two very recent cases, it has worked wonderfully. :)


But yeah, I do have plans for the an ending in the event that DR loses this contest; they just aren't plans that I can effectively play out in the RPG due to what's going on right now in-game.


Blade: At this point, it's technically, or close to being Day Run -- due to the downtime, this current season is essentially its third (or more like 2.5th, since it was cut off halfway through the Spring season.) At least, that's how I interpret things at the moment with my own knowledge of past RPGs. :P

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Plus it's fun. =3 That's all I can add.


However, if it does end now, which it probably won't I suggest you finish it in an epic or short story. Instead of a rushed ending.


@Blade: I believed that happened once. And that RPG merged with the BZRPG, so yeah. A Midnight Grey was the only three-season runner of which I can think right now. And that had a sequel or two, so I'd say it's the second-longest runner.

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