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Dreams Are Very Strange Things Indeed...



I had the weirdest dream. I dreamed I was in some sort of Olympic swimming pool, with all these activities in it (that everybody was doing underwater) like riding sharks, being pulled along by sharks in a sort of chariot like activity without the chariot, or just swimming. The guy in charge at the pool directed me to go somewhere and he told me there was a door near the shark riding section of the huge pool (and I have no idea how I'd been holding my breath all that time) and I opened the door and thought Okay, what now? before I realized I was still underwater and I swam up to the surface (I hate swim/swum/swam...). Then I got up and out of the pool, and strangely enough I was in a complete, dry set of clothes. I went into this giant mansion with somebody else and my cousin Adam... We were searching for things in this creepy old mansion and we found stuff like those giant super-soaker thingamajigs. However, we also found other stuff but I forget what it was. Then, I was with my Mom, and we were on our street (only it was larger and much more different) waiting for my sister, and she came up the street on roller blades I think it was, and I called out to her, and she came, but a friend of hers came with her. That friend left and my sister came in, and it was snowing... At night... Woo. Then I woke up.


After which I made all neccessary preparations to ride to the well-wire cement coffin I call my school.


Recommended Comments

Underwater dreams are always wierd/fun. It's like living underwater.

Oh! Can you say Mahri-toran! I've been wondering what that's like.


Well, enjoy your day and interpretations.



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Dreams are strange. I once had a dream that everyone in my school was on a massive boat, and the teachers were killing us one by one. But my friends and I worked together and beat them. It was so cool. Twisted and bizarre, but cool.
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