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Lady Kopaka


Current Mood: Um...Good?

Currently Listening To: The Foggy Dew - The Chieftains

About To Do: School


I updated my art. Yay me.


But I still no likey my art. '-'


Don't look at me like that!


Why are you staring at me?




OK, FINE. I'll go open the request list...Be that way! :P




I had a weird dream where I met President Bush and he told me he liked my hat. :blink: It was cool! (I thought it was really happening at first)


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A nightmare with Bush? O_o I think I had one with Hillary Clinton or something though.


Yes I am taking requests, you better go PM me if you want one because I think I only have 3-4 spots left, and I will probably get a lot of PMs when members get back from work/school.

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Yayz for artz.


I had a nightmare where my cat talked to me, then locked me in a closet. It was...ah... strange. oO



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I had a dream once when I was England's prime minister...I sent the country into chaos and caused a war between England and France(i sure have crazy dreams)

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I did Dream once that I was watching a Performing Magician, and all it turned out to be was Margaret Thatcher swallowing a Violin. And, not very well either. She made Chicken noises when she was doing it.

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Sounds like our president.

Yeah. He was friendly in ma' dream. :P


You guys are all so insane. Talking cats, strange preformaces, and wars! :lol:

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You know how in dreams, you can sometimes tell that they're dreams? You are experiencing the action, but it feels more like you're in a movie, having all of your decisions made for you? I had a dream like that once, and my mind even told me what it was based on: a cross between Final Fantasy and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Or so it seemed...


Upon waking up, I realized that it had absolutely nothing in common with either of those stories, and I still am wondering why "Final Fantasy" jumped to mind, since I have even played a Final Fantasy game! :P


I've had weird dreams before, but that one was pretty funny!


And don't worry. The rest of us likey your art.


- :vahi:

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You know how in dreams, you can sometimes tell that they're dreams? You are experiencing the action, but it feels more like you're in a movie, having all of your decisions made for you? I had a dream like that once, and my mind even told me what it was based on: a cross between Final Fantasy and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Or so it seemed...

I believe those are called lucid dreams. Speaking of lucid dreams, I have this dream where I have a selection of inner-dreams I can watch. It's wierd.


I don't remember any of my weird dreams, except when this weird humanoid with a round head and cat ears called me in the middle of the night. I went to my door where he was and then the dream ends.

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Nah, a lucid dream is one where you become, I think the term is "self-realized", within the dream. In more direct terms, a lucid dream is one where you become lucid, or able to control the surroundings & environment.



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Bush likes your hat? Are you okay with that? Rhyme!


Wow, you guys' dreams are so political and stuff. :P Mine are all fantastical and completely defiant of reality ... but seem perfectly normal when I'm asleep. I get like, these worlds where stuff from every era is there. That's the problem with liking history so much. O.o

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Nah, a lucid dream is one where you become, I think the term is "self-realized", within the dream. In more direct terms, a lucid dream is one where you become lucid, or able to control the surroundings & environment.



I've had one of those dreams before. I knew it was a dream and when it became a nightmare, I woke up. Not suddenly. It feels strange when you force yourselfe to wake up.

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Lady K thats n' intresting dream.

for some reason theres girls in my dreams like mary-kate n' ashley and other famous females.

i had one dream/vision last summer onces a it was shweet all of these [] are what they represent


i dreamed that i was looking at a lego mag. and there was the toa inika transformed [ toa marhi]

and know that i think about it they looked like the barraki.


two in one vision mabye :lol: !






piraka slayer :wakeup2:

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Sort of the same thing that happened in my dream... You're brain told you it was one thing when really it was something entirely different.


- :vahi:

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