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What Do You Think?

a goose


Should I become a Premier Member, and keep this blog going?

Should I become a Premier Member, and forget about this blog?

Should I just say something along the lines of 'Screw all this, I'm going to play Legend of Zelda'?


Just want your opinions.


- PtVM


Recommended Comments

1: That Majora petition is going pretty well.


2: I know! I have the blue. (Here's hoping I can find somewhere that does trade-ins for reasonable prices, and will let me transfer the data! :P)

I'm probably not getting it. :(

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1. We're pretty much definitely not gonna get it until after the next new game, though. =P


2. Yeah, I'm not gonna get it. =P I do have the Black one, though, which makes it all that more annoying that I can't find any way to get the design on my 3DS. =/

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1: Yeah... Looking forward to the new game, though. I didn't get Skyward Sword a I don't really like the Wii controls. I prefer handhelds, TBH.


2: Oh... tough luck.


BTW, this is the 28th comment. And we're completely off the topic of the blog post. Will we continue for the sake of making my blog seem more popular, or move this discusion to PM?

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1. Well, Skyward Sword really made the controls shine, IMO. Really made combat very easy, even if you had to think about things before you swung a little bit more now. =P But, if they could figure out a way to 'bind' stuff to keys(Like, say, move a right analog stick quickly to the right to slash right or something, and press a 'shield' button and the right stick at the same time to do a spin slash), then it might just translate to a handheld pretty easily. The graphics could be handled; when I watched the video for Skyward Sword on the 3DS, I thought the graphics looked even better on the smaller screen, than it did on the CRT I have. Though that might be the problem right there. =P


2. Yeah. =/


Well, technically we stayed on-topic with the Zelda stuff, but a PM might be a better idea, so we don't test anything. =P

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Yes, Premier at last. I had to survive a lack of money, a Sunday, a lack of money and a day on which I couldn't find my wallet, but I got there eventually. Now, let's have a look at my list of 'things I have to do on BZP'...

1,000 posts? Check.

1,000 counted posts? Check.

Premier membership? Check.

Now all I need is to get a fancy mask beside my Proto bar, get 10,000 posts, get 10,000 counted posts, and become staff.


I've got a while to go yet...

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