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Persuasive Essay

Soaring Strawberry


I hope you are all persuaded through my persuasive essay. :P


"I would like to see what (alien) technology there might be that could eliminate the burning of fossil fuels within a generation ... that could be a way to save our planet." Paul Hellyer, The former Canadian Defense Minister, believes that advanced alien technology could be used to solve the climate crisis of today.


While the technology may include alternative fuels and ingenious propulsion systems, I disagree with this proposal. First, only a few individuals in the government would have any access to this technology –and even then, it may be so advanced that we could not possibly understand it. If we can’t understand it, how can we apply it?


Second, by using studying any alien technology, we will be using unknown materials without the consent or the assistance of the creators. Not only could the creators be offended by our actions, but also we would not truly know the consequences of handling the items.


Finally, and most importantly, I know that we already have the ability to solve the climate crisis. We have developed solar energy, as well as hydrogen and ethanol fuels for cars. With enough will power, we can lower greenhouse gases and solve the crisis.

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