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The Barraki Club



Kalmah3 wanted me to start an entry in my blog about a Barraki Club. So join the Barraki Club! Post a comment here or PM Kalmah3.


Join the Barraki Club and get this cool banner!


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EDIT: Will a staff member please PM me if this is not allowed? Thanks. ;)


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Welcome to the club...

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Club Moderator



PM Kalmah3 to join.


Soon we will start talking about the Barraki.


Thank you Cleofan119.

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Oh, I'll join. Sounds cool.



Ok great!Now we have a can talk about the Barraki.


We will start with talking about our favorites and disfavorites.And we will post why we like it or why we do not like it.Then we will do arts and crafts.If you guys want.

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Oh, I'll join. Sounds cool.



Ok great!Now we have a can talk about the Barraki.


We will start with talking about our favorites and disfavorites.And we will post why we like it or why we do not like it.Then we will do arts and crafts.If you guys want.


Arts and crafts? :???: What do you mean?




My favorite Barraki is probabaly kalmah. His overal design is very strong. And he's VERY well balanced. (look here!) The only thing I don't like is that in the front you can see all those black pieces.

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Oh, I'll join. Sounds cool.



Ok great!Now we have a can talk about the Barraki.


We will start with talking about our favorites and disfavorites.And we will post why we like it or why we do not like it.Then we will do arts and crafts.If you guys want.


Arts and crafts? :???: What do you mean?




My favorite Barraki is probabaly kalmah. His overal design is very strong. And he's VERY well balanced. (look here!) The only thing I don't like is that in the front you can see all those black pieces.


He-heh.I'm glad you have it my way.Kalmah is VERY well balanced.I balanced him on one hand on my STARWARS x-wing ship,he stood there for a week!Kalmah is my favorite as you can see.And arts and crafts means we might make avatars and banners.

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Oh, I'll join. Sounds cool.



Ok great!Now we have a can talk about the Barraki.


We will start with talking about our favorites and disfavorites.And we will post why we like it or why we do not like it.Then we will do arts and crafts.If you guys want.


Arts and crafts? :???: What do you mean?




My favorite Barraki is probabaly kalmah. His overal design is very strong. And he's VERY well balanced. (look here!) The only thing I don't like is that in the front you can see all those black pieces.



He-heh.I'm glad you have it my way.Kalmah is VERY well balanced.I balanced him on one hand on my STARWARS x-wing ship,he stood there for a week.Kalmah is my favorite as you can see.And arts and crafts means we might make avatars and banners.


Yeah, mines still up there. I can make ehlek go up on one hand but not kalmah. The Y-Wing has virtually no places to put the hands and its on a serious tilt.


I also like ehlek but hes a bit scrawny.


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Oh, I'll join. Sounds cool.



Ok great!Now we have a can talk about the Barraki.


We will start with talking about our favorites and disfavorites.And we will post why we like it or why we do not like it.Then we will do arts and crafts.If you guys want.


Arts and crafts? :???: What do you mean?




My favorite Barraki is probabaly kalmah. His overal design is very strong. And he's VERY well balanced. (look here!) The only thing I don't like is that in the front you can see all those black pieces.


He-heh.I'm glad you have it my way.Kalmah is VERY well balanced.I balanced him on one hand on my STARWARS x-wing ship,he stood there for a week.Kalmah is my favorite as you can see.And arts and crafts means we might make avatars and banners.


Yeah, mines still up there. I can make ehlek go up on one hand but not kalmah. The Y-Wing has virtually no places to put the hands and its on a serious tilt.


I also like ehlek but hes a bit scrawny.


Yeah Ehlek is kinda scrawny.Well he is supposed to be an eel.




Off-topic:Dekar's got the MoL!He's going to kill me for being on Kalmah's side!(I did get Dekar on Monday)Ahhh!(I'll be back after school)

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Well, I like Ehlek because I like his slim appareance. His weapons are cool too. Not to mention the spines. My least favorite must be Mantax. I don't like him because he has some armor, but the pincer he has doesn't look that good on him. The tentacle on the back doesn't look good either.

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If you guys didn't know I'm going to be entering the Comic Cover Contest.If I win I'll tell you guys.So look out! :D Well I'm going to draw the Inika(Marhi) and The Barraki fighting.They said you could draw any Toa you want.Make those banners and avatars!

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Hey, I just got Kalmah, and I'm having trouble launching the squids. Any tips?


Yeah. Visit Turakii's blog. There is a past entry about shooting the squids. If you can't find it I'll PM you the link.


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Yay!! Okay, I know that are Barraki likes and dislikes are over, but I still must say my favorite Barraki would be Pridak. I've always liked white Bionicles (with the exception of the white Visorak), so that explains a bit of it. Also, Pridak's waist articulation is awe-some, and so are his blades!

My least favorite Barraki would have to be Carapar. There is something about him I just don't like (I think it's his arms being longer than his legs)!

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