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Laugh-nesia: It's That Funny



"That's so funny I forgot to laugh." That's got to be one of the stupidest phrases I have ever heard: it never actually made any sense to me. I am aware that when people say that phrase, they are usually being sarcastic, but for the love of humor, they should at least say something that makes sense.


That gets me to thinking though. What if there really were comedians walking around telling jokes that made people forget what they should do? "He said something funny; am I supposed to sneeze?" Sometimes I think some people just don't think. :rolleyes:


Thought provoking... or just over thinking? You decide.


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM


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I vote for half thought-provoking and half mildly humorous. While you're not exactly discussing something that's funny, the discussion itself comes off as funny enough to laugh at. :P

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Definately over-thinking.


Ohh...that reminds of me a Relient K song...


"I was thinking, over-thinking, cause there's just too many scenarios, to analyze, look in my eyes, cause your my dream, please come true."


Love that song. <3

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I was born off the deep end... I drowned in my own insanity. ^_^


Hmm, maybe I should tackle other commonly-used phrases and their pointless meaning and/or origin. If you thought this was over-thinking, you have no idea. :evilgrin:


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM

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