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A Note About Sarcasm



Not referring to anyone in-particular, just the internet in-general, as it's something I've noticed everywhere lately.


Please, either go to eleven or just don't do it at all if you're going to use sarcasm in text online - it's something that needs, in addition to knowing the individual well, inflection and body language. Neither of which exist in text. So unless it's blatantly clear you're being sarcastic, please don't use it.


This doesn't apply to fiction, as you can make it expressly clear there(""Blab blah blah," X said, a hint of sarcasm in her voice as she spoke." Except not written poorly), but when using it as a means of communication, either be blatant with sarcasm or don't use it.


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See, I make it as obvious as possible but it STILL gets missed. So really, the problem lies with people who don't think, rather than the people being sarcastic. :)


- Tilius

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See, I make it as obvious as possible but it STILL gets missed. So really, the problem lies with people who don't think, rather than the people being sarcastic. :)- Tilius

No, your problem isn't that people don't understand your sarcasm, it's your tendency to talk down to people that makes people read your sarcasm as straight.

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...You know, now I have the problem that by inviting people to be sarcastic by mentioning it's an issue, I can't tell which, if any, of you are serious...

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The thing that really annoys me with sarcasm online, is that people use it as an excuse to pseudo-flame.

They'll say something offensive and then say "I was being sarcastic, geez." as a copout.

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Guest kopakanuva13


Of course it's impossible to convey sarcasm. I'm so sorry.


Even if you use lots of italics and caps, you're bound to be misunderstood by at least somebody. Not to mention it always ends up sounding belligerent over the internet.

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The problem is that there are like fifty different problems.My favorite one is the readers who just can't jump across the sarchasm.


I just wanted to post so I could let you know just how much I love the "sarchasm" jape. It's beyond awesome.


Also, I take everything at face value, as in if it's something that I can't read in a way that isn't sarcastic, I take it as sarcasm.

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