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Blistering Treasures



Saw the Tintin movie today, which is based off of The Crab with the Golden Claws, Secret of the Unicorn and a little of Red Rackham's Treasure.

I thoroughly enjoyed it. I went into it with much trepidation, as I'm a huge Tintin fan and I was dreadfully worried the spirit of it would be ruined. That unease was soon vanquished with the opening credits, where I had a grand time trying to spot all the references to the other books (sure I missed a number), as well as the beginning with Herge doing Tintin's portrait in the comic book style. But yeah, it was packed with references all over the place, it was great. It was a great mash up of the two stories, and this comes from someone who generally hates it when any details in Tintin are changed. But yeah, some things still bugged me in that regard, like making Mr. Saccharine the antagonist, and yet it worked quite well with embellishment and stuff.


Visually it was amazing. I really like the style, and I like how the caricatures of the characters were reminiscent of how they looked in 2D cartoon form. At times I did think, yeah, too much uncanny valley for my liking. But you can't get over how detailed everything was, it looked really cool. It's all certainly an improvement on the motion capture work done on Polar Express.


Voicing was quite good, I was blown away by the whole Saccharine character (Daniel Craig) in general. Tintin (Jamie Bell) was that perfect boyish blandness needed for him, not unlike the TV series. Andy Serkis was great as usual as Haddock, gosh he's versatile. Thompson twins were good, great combo of Pegg and Frost there. Also I forgot Castafiore (Kim Stengel) was meant to be in this film, so that was a nice surprise, and her role was, as usual, pretty hilarious.


Did not think much of Saccharine being into falconry though.


Music was good, usual John Williams fair. Nothing particularly inspiring though.


Anyway, yeah, thoroughly enjoyed it, and any Tintin fan shouldn't be disappointed, particularly with the few titbits of other books referenced all over the place. I do believe you don't have to be a fan to like this film, it's a good fast paced story that people should like, and more importantly, inspire people to read the books. But not to the extent that they ruin it with renewed 21st popularity, please. Been responsible for lame-ifying good things in the past...Golden Compass anyone?





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If I were to try to read up on this series before seeing the movie, what books should I start with, and where would I find them? Because, to be honest, while I've been aware of Tintin, I've never actually followed the story before.


I've been meaning to see the movie but haven't had the time. Glad to hear it's good.



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Obvious ones I would recommend would be the ones mentioned above, particularly Unicorn. However, if you want to go into it more 'blind', probably the best ones to recommend are Seven Crystal Balls and Prisoners of the Sun (need to be read together), which are pretty typical Tintin fare, and closer to the same era as those in the film. Land of the Black Gold and Red Sea Sharks are also two favourites of mine that are pretty typical. Tintin in Tibet and Flight 714 are probably my favourites overall, but they're not a good representation of the full set. Cigars of the Pharoah and Blue Lotus are good early ones.


I'll stop typing before I recommend the whole series.



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I've read most of the ones you mentioned, and a few more besides. I still feel I should finish the series before I see it though, especially if it has that many references.

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I agree. Saccharin shouldn't have been an evil character. If I remember correctly, wasn't he drugged after thugs broke into his apartment?; I know he was just a collector. I may be off, but I liked the evil brothers (The Bird brothers, correct?) in the stories.




Either way, I loved the movie.. I'll probably buy it first day it comes out and add it to my vast collection of TinTin- related items.

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I agree. Saccharin shouldn't have been an evil character. If I remember correctly, wasn't he drugged after thugs broke into his apartment?; I know he was just a collector. I may be off, but I liked the evil brothers (The Bird brothers, correct?) in the stories.

Either way, I loved the movie.. I'll probably buy it first day it comes out and add it to my vast collection of TinTin- related items.

Yep, that's all right. I reckon they could have done just as well with the Bird Brothers...I think even connecting them with Rackham like they did for Saccharine would work alright. But all that being said and done, I thought he was done quite well all the same. Minus the falcon though. Bleh.

Roablin, you totally should. Of the main 21 (America through Picaros) you should read all of them, haha. Probably shouldn't worry about the two early [black and white] ones (Land of the Soviets or Congo, both of which are a little racy, but I still like them) or the unfinished Alph-art (if only that had been completed!).



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