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A Look Ahead

Pahrak Model ZX


Well, time for the last one! Bioni-Lords Book 3: Kako Preview 5 is up, and with that, all the previews are posted. But, since the year is practically over, I think I'll toss out a few more bits of info you might be interested in...


--The daughter of a Fire-Lord, Tahra Vakar! The Air specialist from a Stone family, Xyla Pahrop! The underestimated Steel specialist, Genakex Ikhav! And his brother, the man who will become the 10th Level Bioni-Lord...Kytan Ikhav! Not to mention four guest stars and some temporary characters!

--Dysfunctional families, feelings of loneliness, and quests for adequecy--there are some dark themes in this Book'

--Branching timelines, Kal and Queens in one--six Bohrok unlike anything you've ever seen before! The war of the King Bohrok begins anew thanks to their Royal Curse, and our main characters are right in the middle!

--Les Quatre Freres de Lame together again! A foreshadowing of the 10th's reign, but could there be something else?

--Konpaku's past is revealed, but it may not make sense until later on. And be on the lookout for the mysterious Mairi...

--The Shadow Consortium, a sophisticated criminal organization that rules the islands through fear. The main characters will become the target of three unsettlingly powerful operatives: Frieza, Cell, and Buu! And did you think Mutran was the first one to create a Spirit Carrier? Think again...

--Did I mention that the Dark Knights were founded at about this time frame?

--Lots of familiar Element-Lords return, along with some new ones! Fourteen islands to challenge, fourteen Elements to master! The Forbidden Blades, Sparks, and Dragons are well-known in this time frame, along with the Forbidden Thoughts and Forbidden Vines!

--We may see some characters related to friends from Books 1 and 2...

--Ever wondered how one Element-Lord transfers the position to another? Or maybe how Ultima-Orbs are made?

--The underwater fortress used by the Black Tide and Verasu returns yet again.

--This time, we WILL be killing main characters

--Didn't Tabuu get his mind broken by the 10th? And there was something about his old partner being sealed...

--Think we'll find out where that mysteriously sealed book came from?

--Find out whose soul the 10th uses as a Blade, plus Norscu's first contract--the very first Blade of Souls!

--All of the Original Element-Lords will have at least a cameo. Some will have pretty big parts...

--King. Bohrok. Cage match.

--Genakex said he wanted to see the 10th one more time to tell him something...what was it?

--Where did Krakha come from, and how did the 10th cast the Retcon?


Well, that's all I got for now. I'm looking at either January or February for posting the Prologue (which actually doesn't have any new text)...writing is going farily well. I'm on Po-Isle, Chapter 9, with the first reveal of the Shadow Consortium.


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That's as good as saying I'm right and you know it. Also...If darkness is a major theme in Kako then I will enjoy it greatly. After all...Shadow is my favorite Element and that says a lot about me. :vampire:

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...I'm not good at hiding things...

Well, I do hope you'll enjoy it! And it looks like you're not the only one who has Shadow as a favorite Element, since it's the most common Element for Spirits...

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...I'm not good at hiding things...Well, I do hope you'll enjoy it! And it looks like you're not the only one who has Shadow as a favorite Element, since it's the most common Element for Spirits...


But Shadow/Steel is such a cool combination for spirit designs!


....yeah, I'm partially responsible for the universe being full of Shadow-types. >_<

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And did I mention that Steel is third most common? :P

Meh, as long as Dragon stays rare, I don't care too much about the Element statistics. Which reminds me, I still need a place to put those...

Oh, and Exo's Desk V2 has been updated!

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Rahaga. I was actually expecting Rahaga to be most common...

I'll probably put these statistics on one of the websites soon, just need to decide which one. Should be up by the next weekly update.

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