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Happy New Year!



2012 guys, supposedly the last! :P Cheers to all, let this year come in with a bang!


Share your resolution/s as well in the comments section! my own:



Big list:


~Become a better musician, both technically and in terms of the mental things like harmonic, melodic, and rhythmic senses.

~Buy a stratocaster that hasn't been beaten to death by ten years of abuse!

~Fix my long-standing problem of tensing up while playing, making more challenging guitar stuff much harder and often painful.

~Fix my sleep schedules. I'm a frigging adult now, I should start getting in-sync with the world so I can, you know, function in three or four years when I'm off on my own. It's hard to function at the same pace as most people when you go to sleep at 3-4 AM and wake up at 12 AM-1 PM.

~Finish another album! Maybe an EP or a second album too since I got a headstart on this next one.

~Learn how to mix and produce so that album/EP/whatever it ends up being doesn't sound terrible.

~Get a job so I have more money and don't always stare at things wanting them instead of buying them.

~Work on my temper. I can control it usually, but certain buttons make me absolutely flip out and become a complete monster. I'll feel absolutely horrible about it ten minutes later and be a complete suck-up to the person I chewed out the rest of the day, but it should never happen in the first place. On a semi-related note,

~Get into better shape. I'm by no means weak or pudgy, but I'm also nowhere near as well as I want to be. Plus I'm willing to bet my cardiovascular system could seriously use me actually trying to help it while my body's still healthy and quick-repairing. Plus punching a punching bag for a while is both good arm exercise, and a great way to work off stress. Again on a semi-related note,

~Expand my food palette. I have such a limited taste, it's depressing. I've managed to fix that somewhat last year, and I want to expand it even more this year.

~Get out more. I have a license now dangit, there's no excuse for me to sit around at home as much as I do.

~Clean this mess I call a room/office.


Share yours! Lets hear 'em!


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It's hard to function at the same pace as most people when you go to sleep at 3-4 AM and wake up at 12 AM-1 PM.

it's all about going to bed at 6 am and getting up at 5 pm


though I'm trying to change to something more normal, too

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Personally, I loathe New Years Resolutions, so this is just a list of things I think I should do.


-Finish writing a piece of music longer than 6 minutes. About halfway to that one, but the interlude's killing me.

-Get good at playing the penny whistle and Irish flute. Probably finish the first part of that first, seeing as I don't have the flute yet.

-Get one of my pieces recorded. As soon as life stops strangling a friend of mine who happens to be a rather decent guitarist, this might happen. Ironically, I won't be involved in the recording process, but whatever.

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