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...and A Happy New Year! (Also Mass Effect)



Yup, bought premier yesterday. Talk about procrastination.


Note: If you don't care about Mass effect (or are scared of spoilers) or bioshock, turn back now.


So anyway, I've beaten Mass effect 1 with mostly the same choices, but this time I saved the green asari, saved Kaiden, and saved the council, but still had maximum renegade.

Beat Mass effect 2 as well. I did most of the renegade options for all conversations which got me full renegade pretty fast, which meant once it was full, I was free to make as many important paragon decisions as I like. Some examples were: Saving Kal'Reegar (Found out he's voiced by Adam Baldwin, no way am I going to let him die), told the quarians not to go to war, saved the genophage data, and got really friendly with Kelly (I finally don't have to clean up dead fish =D). (note: these are paragon decisions that I hadn't done in my first playthrough. I still saved Legion and rewrote heretics.) Also, I might have been able to break off my relationship with Liara. I like Tali way more and when Liara said to me "I don't think we should get too serious" or something after we had killed the shadow broker and I hugged her and I said "let's just be friends" so I'm not sure if I'll have a problem in the third game. I still regret keeping the collector base, but I needed to so I could get the full renegade ending.

Two more months is too long of a wait D=


Also, started playing Bioshock. I always freak out whenever the lights turn off. I'm doing a playthrough where I'm not harvesting any little sisters. They gave me 400 Adam in a teddy bear =O. The hypnotize big daddy plasmid is amazing. Two Rosie's fighting each other was awesome.



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I think Bioshock is soooooooooooo boooooooooooooooriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing.


The atmosphere is really cool and the story seems interesting, but the gameplay was so bland I gave up after a few hours.

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