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Toa of Dancing


So If you haven't guessed by my sig and avvie, I like Bastion. Really is an amazing game. Catchy songs, too. Characters probably fall in this order of favorites: Zia, Rucks, the Kid, Zulf. I love all of them, of course. So much woobie backstory and such.


But yeah, it's a great game that is worth far more than the five bucks for which I purchased it during the Steam sale.


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Cmon man, Rucks is greatest. Anyone who sings you a song about how the gods are completely apathetic about you, ESPECIALLY in that voice, is amazing.

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It's a game. The story explains itself as you play. It'd be spoiling it if I said.


Basically, though, the apocalypse happened and then stuff. That's pretty much all I can say. XD

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And what IS Bastion exactly?


It's a game. The story explains itself as you play. It'd be spoiling it if I said.Basically, though, the apocalypse happened and then stuff. That's pretty much all I can say. XD


Oh, you could give it a bit more explanation then that. It's a third-person RPG with a two-weapons system, in which you gain more weapons to switch between as you play. The setting is post apocalyptic, and the main plot is discovering what exactly caused the apocalypse as you try to repair the damage that was done. You play a character who is never actually named, but is only known as the kid. You are guided through out the game by a man called Rucks. He narrates the game, which gives a very unique feeling as he reacts specifically to how you play. You meet a few other survivors along the way, but for the most part you're on your own as you explore the remains of the land around you. The game is accompanied by stunning artwork and a gorgeous soundtracks.


Other words, I love this game. :biggrin:

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Nice job double commenting there, oh sister of mine. =P


So to quote the comment I deleted:


Oh dear, you've seem to have made a few typos. See, the order should be:

Zolf > Zai > The Kid > Rucks.

Don't worry though. It's an easy typo to fix. ;3

And let the angry fan boys and girls of Rucks attack. Also, you misspelled your favorite character. XD

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Nice job double commenting there, oh sister of mine. =PSo to quote the comment I deleted:
Oh dear, you've seem to have made a few typos. See, the order should be:Zolf > Zai > The Kid > Rucks.Don't worry though. It's an easy typo to fix. ;3
And let the angry fan boys and girls of Rucks attack. Also, you misspelled your favorite character. XD



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I absolutely love this game. It's the type of game I've always wanted to make but couldn't due to many factors including but not limited to lack of skill... and money.

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