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Okay, firstly, before the fun, I absolutely must complain.


We had school yesterday. EVERY OTHER SCHOOL DISTRICT IN NEW JERSEY HAD OFF BUT WE HAD SCHOOL. Heck, most school districts in the entire tristate area had at least some kind of delay or early closing.


I mean, when the bus dropped us off in the afternoon I literally could not see more than two feet in front of me coming home from the bus stop. Why? Because I had to pull my hood down over my eyes so ice particles wouldn't blow into them.


However, today was a lot of fun!


Took our two sleds down to the water resevoir where there's tons of nice slopes and just kept going down. It was great. ^^


My sister somehow has lost her daring. Before she used to try everything! Heck, she used to do things I wouldn't do even now.


But today at first she wouldn't even go down a gentle slope in the sled. I mean, the first time I went down the sled spun around a full 180 degrees and I crashed into a fence! And the second time it was a tree. I'm not even kidding. But I was fine. It didn't even hurt. I mean, the slides on the playground were covered in snow, I'm like, what the heck, I stuck the sled at the top of the slide, sat in it, pushed forward a bit...


And ended up with a bruised tailbone. Ow.


Anyway, another family we're friends with, they have a boy about my sister's age, a bit younger I think. Well their dad and the boy came with their own sled and I finally convinced my sister to get in behind the other family's kid, who's the kind of kid who's going to be BASE jumping when he's older or going over the Grand Canyon with a motorcycle. If he crashes into a tree, that's all the more fun.


Anyway, I managed to get her to slide down with the much more reckless kid and she actually really enjoyed it.


Unfortunately after many runs down she ended up going a bit too far and bumped into a tree. And started crying.


*sigh* and things were going so well...


We also made a snowman. It had a nice smiling face until I drew the V-shaped eyebrows, which made it look maniacally evil.


And the birds will probably get its facial features by tomorrow. They're all carrots, not just the nose.


But, yeah. Fun times. =D


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Recommended Comments

My school closed fifteen minutes early yesterday. And it sounds like your sister has entered the 'picky' stage...
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