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Skyrim Adventure, Part 2: In Which I Enjoy The Game



I decided to stick with my Imperial, I didn;t feel like starting over.


After learning how to forge stuff and delivering a letter, I set out to Bleack Falls Barrows. On the way, I encountered some bandits. They didn't stand much of a chance against my fire and sword.

I arrived to find more bandits. Again a relatively simple battle. BUT THE ARCHERS. They are annoying. I could switch to a bow and take them on at a range, but I'd prefer some sort of ranged magic that goes farther than 5 feet. Is there any such spells? Regardless, after charging at them headfirst, they fell pretty quickly.

I enter and immedietely enter sneak mode. Then I have a brainfart and push the wrong button, causing my guy to swing his sword. Needless to say, the enemies in the first room heard my HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.

Continuing through uneventful corriders I hear a man calling for help.


This fight gave me some trouble due to its large amount of health, but after a tactical retreat I managed to take it out.

After freeing, toasting, and impaling the bandit, I set out with my Golden Claw to find TREASURE.

Instead, I got ZOMBIES.

Eventually I made it to the door, and after solving a simple puzzle, entered the Chamber of Secrets. While there was no basilisk, the SUPER ZOMBIE gave me some trouble. After I killed him, I took his sword and stone and went on my merry way.

Think I'll head to Whiterun next.


Recommended Comments

Ranged spells do come in later in the form of fireballs I believe.

I found a fireball scroll but it was one-time-use, not sure if that's what you mean

Imperial = cool.

Hadvar = cool.

Legion = cool.

I don't know what any of this means

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