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Skyrim Adventure, Part 3: In Which I Get Brutally Murdered



I made it to Whiterun in one piece. Joined the companions. Then the Jarl's all like, "Yo man go dealio with the dragon, yeah?" and I'm all like "Ok."

The dragon killed me. Multiple times. Who'da thunk dragons are so powerful?

After killing the dragon I set out on a quest to help a Companion bro.

On my way there I found some giants and mammoths. Attacked a mammoth. Got gutted.

Then I found a cave. In it was a vampire. Died again.

Then I came across a cat man with a funny accent. He told me shouts aren't impressive, he can shout too. I pickpocketed him and continued my journey.

I made it to the camp of Forsworns. Ran in, murdered em, then got torched. Tried archery, they ran away and healed. Ran in again and was entra careful.

After a few more close calls I made it to their hideout. After taking out a few more inside, I came across a Hagraven. Got frozen to death.

With some expert potionry (is that a word?) I managed to survive the next try.


I honestly did not expect to be coming across such difficult enemies so soon. It certainly makes things more... interesting, but some battles were getting to the point of frustration.

Or maybe I just need to stop being bad at video games.


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Ma'iq knows many things...


Anyway, if you like magic, you should buy some conjuration spells from the jarl's wizard in whiterun. They have saved me many times over in fights. He also sells fireball spells and stuff if your destruction is high enough.

Also, for extra help, you should use a companion. If you've killed your first dragon, then you should go find Lydia in dragonsreach after talking to the jarl.



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Are you at least smithing your own weapons? (Granted, that's usually going to cost something too for supplies). Because if you aren't upgrading, that could explain some of your difficulties...


Also, I don't remember encountering the Forsworn so early in the game. You might've also just wandered into an area you weren't ready for. :P

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I haven't smithed anything expect for that dagger in the "tutorial" in Whiterun. I plan on doing so once I return to civilazation.

The Forsworn quest I got from a Companion in Whiterun.

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