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Skyrim Adventure, Part 10: In Which I Become A Transformer



I checked my quest log, and saw I had one ready to turn in. I traveled back to Whiterun, completed the quest, and was told I have something else to do for the Companions.

That something else involved a SECRET MEETING AT NIGHT.

Long story short, I drank werewolf blood. Now I can go all BEAST MODE whenever I want. Not that I want to, third person combat is difficult.

After attacking some random townsfolk, I passed out and awoke outside a Silver Hand encampment with Aela.

We stormed the place, killing goons left and right. I found a locked up Werewolf and set him free. He attacked us and was quickly taken care of. Okay... so not so quickly. He almost killed me. But he didn't, and that's all that really matters. We eventually made it to the final room and killed the boss; unfortunately, he had already killed our pal Skjor.

I left and went to a nearby lake, Mara's Eye, where I found a mysterious hatch in the ground.


Unfortunately, it wasn't the Dharma Initiative, just some vampires that fell to my blade.

I looted the place and returned to Whiterun to sell some stuff. I stopped by in a bar and got drunk with a strange man. Never a good idea.

I passed out, apparently, and awoke in some sort of temple. After helping the lady clean up the mess I made in my drunken stupor, she gave me some leads on the guy and this "staff" he kept talking about.

I saw an Expert door and picked the lock... and promptly got yelled at by some women for entering the SECRET INNER SANCTUM. The leader asked me to retrieve a "Sybil" for them; apparently it's someone who can speak with the gods or something.

I agreed and left the temple.

Turns out I'm all the way at the end of the world! Well, the map. That's quite a journey to make while drunk.


I suppose I'll set out in search of this chosen one (since the village is nearby) after looking around the town.


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Haha I was so happy I didn't do the drunk adventure until after I had explored that area. Made it less confusing. And I found him in Solitude, which I think is even farther away than Whiterun. So yeah, you had quite the night. ;)

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Beast mode you say?



Protip: if you need to kill a giant, turn into a werewolf and use a double power attack. It sends them flying backwards like a fus ro dah and you can do it very quickly since werewolf stamina regenerates very quickly. I kill giants so quickly like that.



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So yeah, you had quite the night. ;)

what can I say? I know how to par-tayyyyyyyyyyy

Protip: if you need to kill a giant, turn into a werewolf and use a double power attack. It sends them flying backwards like a fus ro dah and you can do it very quickly since werewolf stamina regenerates very quickly. I kill giants so quickly like that.

thanks for the tip

What was it, the temple of Dibela?If so, completing that quest will grant you 10% attack against the opposite gender. Don't ask why.

yes it was, and the questgiver said something about that

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